Day 1/31

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My mind was blank, "I can't just pack and leave without planning..."

"Well we don't have much time.." he stood up and walked into his room and brought out a map.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why did you bring out a map?"

He laid it out and grabbed the box of thumb tacks from a drawer and opened them. He glanced over at me, "You said Greece," he put a tack on there. "You've always wanted to go to Paris..." he also put a tack there. "Los Anglos... New York... Peru... and of course..." he placed the last tack on Italy.

"Liam, I can't pay to go all these places..." I ran a hand through my blonde hair.

"Well luckily for you..." he gave a small smile, "I can. And you're my best friend... so I plan to do so." He nodded.

"I don't know what to pack-"

"Quit making excuses... go grab some clothes and other girl things and put it in your suit case..."

I nodded and ran to my room and pulled out my favorite shirts and jeans and put them in my bag. I grabbed all my make up and bathroom stuff and smiled the whole time.

Once I got done packing, I walked out to Liam on the phone. He was whispering, clearly not wanting me to hear, "I know. Yeah, I know. Look... I know she's not in a stable condition... and I know that she doesn't have a lot of time left... but that's why I'm doing it. I want to make her happy. I want her last month to be the best month of her life. She's never been to these places and I see the hurt in her heart. You can call me crazy, but maybe I am crazy. Maybe I'm too crazy. Or maybe either I'm too crazy... or you aren't crazy enough..." he hung up and sighed.

I bit my lip and waiting a few seconds before walking out, "Ready to go, Payno?"

He jumped and nodded, "Yeah." He lightly smiled and grabbed our bags, before walking out of the building. He caught a cab and I got in it.

I brought out the map and stared at it for a minute.

I jumped when I heard his voice, "Where to first?" I shrugged.

"Maybe... we should start out in... LA?" I looked over at him and he nodded.

We got to the airport and got our tickets. We sat and waited for our plane to come.

A little girl walked in, the plane had just landed and came from Disney World. She looked pale and weak and she had on a Walt Disney World hat on, covering up her bald head.

Even though she looked weak, you could see the joy and light in her eyes and smile. She was holding on tight to her Mom's hand with one hand, and a Minnie Mouse stuffed animal in the other. She had on a Belle princess dress, she had clearly bought from the park.

I smiled widely and stood up and Liam grabbed my hand, "What are you doing?"

"Going to talk to the little girl..." I got out of his grip and walked up to her and bent down.

Her mom had a worried look in her eyes but I reassured her with a smile and turned to the little girl, "May I ask why you are here, in an airport in England?"

She looked a little scared but answered, quietly, "I just got back from a trip."

"Well shouldn't you be back in France with the Beast-oh I'm sorry... I meant, with Adam. Prince Adam." She had a confused look on her face, "Well aren't you Princess Belle?" Her smile brightened.

I whispered, "You know... I don't usually ask this in an airport, but when a princess is in my presence I have to... may I have your autograph?"

I grabbed a pen and a napkin from a near by table and handed them to her. She smiled and nodded and wrote her name down on the napkin and handed it back to me.

"Now be careful, Belle. Stay away from Gaston... and other Gaston's out there in the world. You are a beautiful princess no matter what the circumstances..." I stood up and shook the mother's hand, tears streaming down her face.

She mouthed a 'thank you' and picked up her daughter.

I heard the plane number called and I waked back to Liam and grabbed my bag, "Let's go, Payno."

He chuckled and nodded and grabbed his bag and walked to the entry way. We got on the plane and I sat down.

I took a look around and got the sudden sense of tiredness over me. I leant my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

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