Day 2/31

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I woke up to Liam shaking me.

"Hey, Vic... the plane's unloading." I nodded and rubbed my eyes, sleepily.

Once the plane was empty, I got up and walked out into the airport. LAX... wow... a lot bigger than I thought.

Liam came back with our bags and smiled, "You ready to go?"

I smiled, widely, "Yup!"

We got out of the airport and I smiled. LA... wow...

"You good there? You look like you got struck by lightening," Liam chuckled and looked at me.

"Yeah, it's just... LA. It's beautiful." I smiled wider, "This is where dreams come true!"

"And this is where yours is going to happen! C'mon. Let's go to the hotel and go look around the city."

I nodded and we grabbed our bags and headed to the hotel and checked in, leaving our bags.

"Where do you wanna go first?" He walked behind me.

"To the Holly Wood sign?" He nodded and grabbed my hand and we started running.

I giggled as he pulled me along, people getting out of the way, "HURRY UP, SLOW POKE!"

I started to become winded, "Li-Liam... slow... down..." he stopped.

"Are you okay? We can go back to the hotel, I'm so sorry, Vic. I should've just caught a cab, I know you couldn't have walked, much less ran this far."

"Stop... pitying me, Liam." My breathing was heavy, "I can do this. I just need to take my time. Don't act like I'm a three year old girl. I can take care of myself." I caught my breath and brushed myself off. "Plus... we're right by it."

He nodded and looked up and smiled a little, grabbing my hand, "C'mon..." I smiled and follows him and we got to the top of the mountain.

I looked out at the view and smiled, "This is beautiful... I never thought I would be able to see it."

"Well now you can say that you have..." he nodded and looked around, "Hey... look..." I turned around and saw that there was a distracted area.

"Li... what are you thinking?" I bit my lip even though I knew what he was thinking.

"We should go past the boundaries. No one will know, and it'll be another memento..."

"I don't know... what if we get caught? We can't go anywhere else and-and we will be in jail." I ran my hand through my hair.

"We won't. Don't over think is, Vic. We have to live while we can." I frowned a bit, "It'll be okay. Let's go." He grabbed my hand we got passed the gate and climbed up the mountain to the actual sign and I stood on top of the 'H'.

"I'm... so glad that you convinced me into this." I laughed a bit and looked out.

The sunset was indescribable. It was pink, yellow, orange, basically your typical sunset but more. The buildings standing in the way, the rays going over it. The California mountains surrounding us. Busy city noise, from down bellow. It was truly the most beautiful and calming things I can explain.

"You good over there?" I heard a small chuckle. I forgot that Liam was here.

"Yeah... it's... amazing. So beautiful and so calm. Really makes you think."

He sat down and leaned on his hands, "Like what?"

I sat next to him and did the same, "The world is so constant, so fast pace. We never stop and think. We just go and fathom. Think we know it all... when really we're just hitting the top of the ice berg. We're creatures sitting on a rocky floating in an abyss. A never ending abyss that we barely even know about. We don't know even half of what covers 75% of our earth. We think we're so high and mighty when in reality, we're just on a pit stop." I looked at him and he was staring blankly at me.

"I was just going to say that it made me think about wanting a taco, but that works too." I laughed and pushed his shoulder, "That was beautiful, Victoria."

"Thanks, Liam." I looked into his eyes. I suddenly felt an eruption in my stomach and questioned it. His eyes were like an endless pit, that I couldn't escape. I felt myself leaning in and he did the same.

"HEY!" We jumped and turned, "THIS IS RESTRICTED AREA!"

"Run!" Liam said and grabbed my hand again.

We ran down the mountain. "TAXI!" I yelled. The car pulled over and we got in and locked the doors.

We both looked at each other and started laughing, "We just got chased off of the Holly Wood sign!" Liam said.

"That was insane!" We both calmed down, "Where to next?"

"What?! That isn't enough for one day?"

"Liam, if you wanna procrastinate, I came to LA with the wrong person. Let's go and get some stuff done."

He smiled and nod, "Let's do this, Vic."

"You got it, Li."

A/n: I'm so sorry it's been so long since I last updated! But here's the next chapter. It will still be a little bit till the next one, I'm just having writers block. But I love you and thank you <3

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