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I thought that he could be different
That what we had was real
That these growing affections inside of me
He could also feel.

That the moments we spent together
Building memories so blissful
Turns out not everything beyond its surface
Is indeed as assumed- "beautiful".

I knew that he was trouble
But I also saw a heart of gold
In the end his demons consumed him
And turned that beating heart so cold.

I try my best to hate him
To deny that it does hurt
That he could make it look so easy
To up and leave me in the dirt.

Now all I can think is why
Was it all just a lie
Maybe I did wear my heart on my sleeve
But of all things, I didn't think that he would leave.

After tears and a final goodbye
I don't hate him no matter how hard I try
With all that he ever felt for me now gone
I pick up the pieces and move on.

-Anna Abigail
Author's Note
Yay we have reached the end of my drama basically summed up as girl meets boy. Girl is stupid enough to get involved in something she shouldn't have. Boy plays with girl. Girl gets a slap of reality and snaps out of stupidness and moves on.

So, what I have learned is that these kind of things can make you write good stuff (Tay Tay learnt that one real fast).
But most importantly, we may all have different ideas about dating, but I believe it's not healthy to get into a relationship where you let the other person define you and you depend on that person to be your everything.
There's a saying that goes "two halves make a whole" but I say it's better to be whole on your own. You don't need someone to complete you. It's important to know who you are, have your own dreams and interest and values and be secured with yourself. That way you'll have more strong, lasting, intentional relationships (and not just romantic ones).

K thank thank you, Dr Anna, the free therapist at your service.

Let me know what your thoughts are on dating and relationships in general.


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