C H A P T E R | T E N

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HERMIONE HAD SLEPT with a silencing charm cast on the room since her first year at Hogwarts.

She had always been a light sleeper. When she was a little girl, Hermione would roll around in bed for hours because of the passing cars and ticking of her bedside clock, until she would finally just throw the clock out her door and let her exhaustion carry her to sleep despite the noise of midnight traffic. Then, when she got to school, Lavender Brown turned out to be a dreadful snorer.

As an effect, the young witch had scoured through endless numbers of spell books until she finally found a charm that would plug her ears from the surrounding noise.

But tonight, Hermione was sleepy from a long day and forgot to cast the simple charm. This was an action that would cause her to never see Annabeth Chase the same way again.


HERMIONE HAD BEEN having a nightmare.

     She was standing in the ruins of what used to be the Great Hall. Curses were being shot left and right. The witch dodged, deflected, and shot a few of her own jinxes.

     She heard her name and turned in time to see a flash of green light, now only about a foot away from her—

     Hermione's own scream was interrupted by a louder one, which woke her up from the nightmare. She turned to see Annabeth thrashing around in her bed, tangled up in her sheets. Hermione could make out a few things she was saying.

     "Where—Why—why did you LEAVE ME! Where," sob, "Where ARE you?" She screamed again. Hermione was petrified, sitting rigid in her bed. "Percy! Percy!" Sob, "PERCY!" The witch snapped out of her shock and jumped off her mattress. She ran out the door to the room that she knew Percy, Kyle, and Draco were sharing.

     Hermione pounded on the door. It was eventually opened by Kyle, who looked up groggily, his hair slicked over to one side.

     "Wha—?" Hermione pushed him aside and found Percy, lying on his side in bed. She hissed his named.

      "Percy, can you come, I don't know what's happening, it's Annabe—" Before Hermione could even finish her sentence, Percy was out of bed and out the door.

    He dashed down the hall to Hermione's room, which she had left propped open. Annabeth was still sobbing.

     He took the girl in his arms and held her close, whispering soothingly into her ear. After awhile, she seemed to calm down and just closed her eyes, sniffling and shaking her head.

     Draco and Kyle came into the room, the first looking concerned and the second just mildly curious. Hermione wasn't exactly sure what to make of the whole situation. She just knew that her own nightmare didn't hold a candle to this poor girl's.

     She heard Percy mutter, "...this bad in awhile." He looked up. "Is this the first time this has happened since we got here?" he asked Hermione.

     "I... I'm not exactly sure," she said. For all she knew, Annabeth had been screaming every night and Hermione hadn't heard because of her spell.

     Percy didn't leave Annabeth's side for the rest of the night. Hermione didn't mind. She knew that he was too focused on Annabeth to pay her any attention, so she climbed into bed and tried to somehow find comfort in sleep after what she had just seen.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does. I do not own Twilight, Stephanie Meyer does. I do not own Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan does.

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