{ eight }

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It was dark.

She couldn't see a thing, and coldness caressed her body like a blanket. There wasn't a sound stirring, only her own shaky breaths.

Suddenly, her surroundings started to become visible around her as her eyes adjusted to the lack of light. She could barely make out anything, only the outline of a rather large room and the white walls that still contrasted to the darkness.

Confusion started to consume her thoughts, she had no idea where she was or what was happening. Nothing looked familiar to her and she didn't recall any room in Felix's house looking quite like this.

Perhaps she was back at her house, in her own room that had endured her absence for the past two years. But even if she was away from her home for either two years or twenty, she could recall what her room looked like, and how it made her feel safe and secure.

She felt frightened and nervous as of now, and she knew the odds of being back home were close to nothing.

The silence that loomed in the air around her was intense, and she feared that at any moment, something would jump out of the walls and attack her at any minute.

But the only thing that attacked her were her taunting thoughts. It was like torture sitting in this unknown room, not being able to know what was lurking in the shadows near her small figure huddled in the corner.


a loud scream suddenly broke the silence like the shattering of glass, and Wendy found herself shrinking back in terror.

She couldn't see anyone, nor hear who they were. It was clear the person screaming was a girl, her higher pitched shrieks resounded against the walls of the room Wendy was in.

"PLEASE, SOMEONE!" the girl screamed again, it sounded as if she was screaming bloody murder. Pure agony and fear were evident in her voice, and it sounded like she was somewhere on the other side of the walls.

Wendy placed her hands on the walls and tried to listen for the girl again, but only the sounds of loud footsteps echoing against the ground met her ears.


At this point, Wendy had no way in seeing whoever it was who was screaming, telling there was no door leading outside of this room.

Her chest started to close in and her lungs felt constricted when she realized she was trapped, and a girl was running outside of the room trying to find someone to help her.

Wendy wanted to scream out for help herself, but when the unknown girl's loud screams and shuffling footsteps stopped, she froze in her spot.

Another set of footsteps could be heard through the walls, and Wendy carefully listened as they grew louder the closer they came to be.

"P-please.. d-don't do this.. y-you don't have to do this!" the girl's trembling voice spoke, she stumbled over her words and her uneven breaths were hitched.

Wendy realized the girl who was screaming wasn't the only one outside of the room, and the second person's footsteps could still be heard drawing closer.

"Please.. please n-no," the girl whimpered, her cries were unsteady and weak. "I'm sorry.. I-I'm so sorry."

The footsteps came to an abrupt stop, and there was a deafening silence that settled for a few moments before something made Wendy's entire body erupt in shivers and her heart hammered in her chest.

A hoarse fit of menacing laughs tore from the person's throat, and Wendy then realized whoever was on the outside of the room with that girl was a man, a young man.

His voice slithered through Wendy's ears like a serpent, his voice was deep and husky. She had no given idea who these people were or why she was stuck in a small boxed room with no escape routes, but she knew she would run as far as her legs could carry her if she ever did find a way out.

"I'm so sorry.." the girl cried again, and the guy's laughter suddenly died down, silence floating back for a moment before breaking once again. His sinister voice was the last thing Wendy heard before she blacked out.



She woke up with a shudder, and her face and body were drenched in droplets. She shivered in a cold sweat, sitting up slightly and looking around to take in her surroundings.

It was only a dream, Wendy told herself and tried to set her heavy breaths back in line.

A cushioned surface was beneath her, and she noticed she was in a bed. But not her own, and not the cold basement floor.

She was in Felix's bed, and she realized his arms were wound around her waist from behind while his face was inches away from her, his hot breath fanning the back of her neck.

Her shoulders quivered while her heartbeat accelerated rapidly.

His cold hands that were resting on her hips started to move slightly, but then stopped just at her lower abdomen. He let out a sigh as he situated his body even closer to her, breathing in her scent and marveling in her presence.

She tried to hold back her tears threatening to spill.

"It's okay, Sally. It was only a nightmare," he whispered to her while he kept his eyes closed.

"You're safe with me now."

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