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She woke up with a shudder. It seemed like the temperature in the basement was getting colder day by day, and she felt like the walls were caving in on her.

Whether it was day or night, Wendy had no idea. She never knew what the time of day was since there were no windows showing any form of light emitting into the drab room.

For the past week and a half, Felix had gone silent. He hasn't spoken a word to Wendy, nor did he spare her a glance. He only came down to the basement to give her a plate of food and then come back down to collect it from her when she was done.

Wendy didn't have an exact answer on why he was avoiding her, she figured it was because he was still mad about what had happened a week ago. She only asked him why he was sorry all the time, it was a simple question. He never did give her an understandable reason, he only kept muttering something about 'him', whoever that might've been.

Something within Wendy made her body erupt in shivers, and an eerie feeling fell over the atmosphere around her.

Footsteps were heard from the ceiling above, indicating that someone else was up.

Just then, the basement door creaked open and broke the silence. Felix descended down the staircase, his body movements looked stagnant and motionless.

She stayed still in her spot against the wall and waited for him to look at her, but just like usual now, he kept his gaze averted. Wendy wondered what was wrong with him, but she wasn't complaining. His gaze made her feel frightened and small, whatever he was doing now felt like a weight was being lifted from her shoulders.

She still held her hatred for him, there wasn't anything about him that didn't make her shrivel away in disgust. The things he did were incomprehensible, and her greatest wish was for Felix to experience all of the misery he had put her through for the past two years.

She wanted him to suffer.

But she had to earn his trust, she couldn't give up on inching closer to her awaiting escape that seemed to be not too far away. Felix was only growing worse mentally and physically.

His appearance was horrid, he looked like a walking skeleton. It was evident he hasn't eaten or slept in days, the hollowness of his face made him almost resemble to a zombie, his cheekbones were more sunken in from last week. His posture looked weak and hunched, his legs were on the verge of stumbling over completely.

He kept his eyes fixated on the wall in front of him as he stopped at the bottom of the staircase, the rise and fall of his chest shook his shoulders and Wendy was almost certain he was going to collapse from the condition he was in any second.

Her chest stung right when he turned to her, his eyes meeting hers for the first time in a week and a half.

She almost didn't recognize him, the green in his eyes had completely faded away, they were only two dark and lifeless pits of emptiness.

He didn't say anything to her, he only stared at her as if she wasn't even there, like he was looking straight through her and was seeing the wall behind her instead.

Wendy didn't dare move a single muscle in her body, she felt vulnerable under his gaze. Though, she couldn't help but see how Felix had changed. He didn't even look alive anymore, everything he did was with no excitement or emotion. She no longer heard him breaking things, and she no longer hears him cry anymore.

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