Underwater {Part 2}

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Minor cussing. Idk if this should be a warning, but also bad parenting I guess? If you're sensitive to the topic of a bitchy mom than uhm...don't read?
Word count: 1,326
I miss the beach. The beach that I could walk along and kick my feet in the sand. Sit on the dock and splash the cold water with my feet. Just like when I was six when me and Audrey would play at the lake. Joke around about Brandon James. Coming back to Lakewood after two deaths in that lake, you'd think it'd be haunted. Neither bodies still in the water. Just their lingering souls.

Going back to that lake and just thinking that my ex-bestfriend had shot a murderer in this very spot scares me. Audrey. With a gun. It terrified me more. Thinking of Audrey after that day made my heart burn each time. She was all I could ever think about and trying to forget about her was the hardest thing in the world. Brooke tried to convince me to drink to get it off my mind, but I swore to my dad I would never drink until twenty-one.

Noah tried to get her off my mind by telling me about his favorite murder crimes and horror movies, but it always reminded me of when Audrey would scare me with her freaky stories.

Emma tried to talk to me about her at coffee shop, but I only felt worse about what I said. Stavo even tried helping by teaching me how to draw a few things. It distracted me for a little until I saw a picture he drew of Audrey on his wall along with all the other survivors.

I felt guilty not being there for her. I felt like a horrible person for ever leaving. And if Audrey had never needed a friend and I had stayed, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Piper wouldn't have come to Lakewood. Emma's friends wouldn't have been dead. Rachel would still be alive and Audrey would be the happiest person alive. And I would've never said any of those dumb words.

I hated thinking of Audrey. She was always in my dreams. She was always on my mind. Her smile was planted in my brain. I was alwas distracted because I could only think of her. And I hated it.

I starred at the poster on my wall. The blue ocean and beautiful white sand. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine being back in Florida. The smell of the ocean filled my nostrils and the sound of the waves covered my ears.






I inhaled the air of the sweet lavender smell of my room. "Why won't she just go away..."

"Hey, sweet cheeks? Ya home?" Daniel. "Ya! I'm in my room, Danny."

My big sister walked in my room, drenched from the rain outside. She came over to me and pulled me into her arms.

"What's this about...?" I asked as she squeezed me tighter. "Noah told me what happened so I came home as quick as I could to cheer you up."

"That dick..." I looked at the clock seeing it was 7 o'clock, almost time for dinner. "Daniel, you shouldn't be here. Mom's gonna be home soon and she'll start asking questions about why you're here. I don't need more stress on my ass today."

Daniel looked at me suprised that I cussed in front of her. I never cussed in front of her because I knew how she felt about cussing. But at the moment, it didn't matter to me.

"I'll just say I stopped by for a visit. I brought you some Oreos..." I looked at her as if she was a angel coming down from heaven.

I hugged her tight, shoving my face into her chest. "Thank you so much!!" She chuckled and hugged me back tighter.

I heard the car door slam shut outside and I quickly got up to go to my window. I saw my mom heading into the house with grocery bags and umbrella. I saw her glance at Daniel's car, a smile appearing on her face.

Daniel was always mom's favorite. A smart, beautiful, straight, non-fuck up daughter. The opposite of me. She liked her better cause she was smart. Because she could cook and sew and do motherly things. She graduated college 2 years early and she was the first born. Her boyfriend was a doctor and was super handsome, might I add. She had a perfect life and a perfect house. While I on the other hand, can't even handle math homework.

"Daniel?! Are you here?!" I heard my mom call from downstairs. "I'm here mom! I'm upstairs!" Danny called to her. I rolled my eyes and got under the covers, trying to hide myself from my mom and hopefully suffocate.

Loud footsteps came rushing up the stairs and leading into my room. "Daniel!" I didn't need to see that my mom was already disgusted that she had to step into my room. I already knew. "Hey mom."

"You're all soaked! Let me get you a towel sweet heart." She left the room to go get a towel. Daniel pulled my blankets off my body and put her hands on her hips. "Hey! I was suffocating."

"Shut up and get out of bed." She dragged me off of the bed and helped me up. "You should've just stayed home, Daniel. Spend time with your husband..."

"And leave you here to deal with your problems alone? I know you try hard in school and all you care about are your grades, but she was your best friend, little sis," she sighed. "I don't want you to go through the pain alone without having someone to hold."

Mom came back in with a towel and new set of clothes for her to wear. Daniel took the clothes and smiled. "Thanks mom." Mom left the room and closed the door, knowing Daniel would change in my room.

As Daniel got undressed, I shoved my face into my hands ashamed of what happened that day. I was suprised that it took John 3 days to actually tell Daniel though. "So. What exactly did you say...?"

I looked at her as if she was the dumbest person alive. "What do you think I said?" I said, angrily.

"I don't know! That's why i'm asking!"

"Nothing...it doesn't even matter. She won't even look at me. I feel like my entire world is crashing down slower and slower."

"It'll get better, sis. I promise. Now come downstairs and help me make dinner." she demanded, buttoning up her shirt.

I groaned not wanting to leave my room, let alone be in the same room as my mom. Before she opened the door I grabbed her hand, keeping her from grabbing the handle.

"What is it, Aj?" She looked at me worried. I hesitated to ask, but it was Daniel. She would never judge me.

"How do you get a girlfriend...or atleast a boyfriend. I don't care. I just...I wanna know..."

Daniel grabbed my hands and held them tight. "Be yourself, Aj. If they don't love you for you, they're not worth it. Trust me."

I looked away, embarrassed from asking the question. What caught me off gaurd was when she said 'Trust me.' She was absolutely gorgeous. Perfect, thick, sexy body. She had a great personality. She was amazing. How could anyone not want her?

She kissed my forehead and opened the door, heading downstairs with me trailing along. As we entered the kitchen I sat on the counter, waitjng for Daniel to grab everything she needed. I smiled while watching her, remembering all those times we tried to cook cookies when we were 8 and 4. When she tried to cook breakfast for mom on Mother's Day and I spilled orange juice all over the floor.

She looked at me and smiled. "I know what you're thinking about, Aj. Remember. I can read minds." I laughed at her joke and punched her arm softly. "Whatever, nerd."

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