ወለշርዠiռց: ርዠለpէΣշ էዠշΣΣ

79 3 4

hεψ ppι, d⊕η'† ƒ⊕rgε† †⊕ šh⊕ω šum ι⊕∀ε!!! ψ⊕u κη⊕ω ∀⊕†ε, ς⊕mmεη† ßες⊕mε α ƒαη!!!

hεψ ppι, d⊕η'† ƒ⊕rgε† †⊕ šh⊕ω šum ι⊕∀ε!!! ψ⊕u κη⊕ω ∀⊕†ε, ς⊕mmεη† ßες⊕mε α ƒαη!!!



Chapter three

SO after the completely embarrassing meeting at the principle's office; where my mother

had to come and pick me up and of course they told her all about the little scene with me and

James. which I'm now ground for! "I can't Believe you!" my mother usually quite easy going

mother screeches as we enter our front door. "What were you think? Huh? I mean sex in

the school. With some boy I know you don't eve know." She screeches on and on following me up the

stairs and into my bedroom. "Chica Lee what's gotten into you." She says after a few minutes of pacing

"I don't know." I mutter, playing with a pillow on my bed. "Maybe the fact that a person other than

my mother has taken instered in me for the first time in my life." I say, trying not to let the tears fall.

"OH chica, I know it's been hard for you." She mutters, hugging me. after a few minutes my mother

gotup and left.




Ring!!!!! I hear vaguly as I pad my hand around my nightstand

in search of my phone. "Hello." I mutter into the receiver. "Hi, Lee?" A deep male asks, making me fully

awake. the only one that usually calls at this hour, is my mom when she works nights at the hostipal.

"Who's this?" I ask, sitting up. " it's me, James." he replies with a laugh. "And?" I snap, filling fully annoyed.

"And I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight." He says, still chuckling. "I think you already now the answer."

I snap into the phone just before snapping it closed and snuggling back into my pillow. God, I think like the

way that boy makes me fill. I mutter aloud. sighing and throwing my arm over my face.

"And How's that?" James voice says making me jump.

Oh My God," I screech scanning my bed, and then I see him right by the window. Asshole I know he's smirking.

"How did you get into my bedroom." I screech, jumping out of bed and walking up to him. "The window, it's was

cracked." he mutters, looking to the open window then back to me; looking me up and down smirking.

"What the hell are you--." I screech, looking down at my light pink bra and making thong. "quite, staring perv!" I

screech, running back to my bed and grabbing a sheet to cover with. "Sorry couldn't help myself." He says laughing.

"So do you wanna hang out?" he ask again, trying to look serious his eyes glittering with laughter. "No."

I say, glaring at him. "And get out!" I say loudly. "Come on, Lee-Lee a night out with your boyfriend won't hurt anyone."

he says, pouting. "No and first of all it's Lee, and second your not my boyfriend." I screech, throwing a pillow at him.

"Fine! Lee a night out with your soon to be boyfriend won't hurt anyone." he says, walking up and laying on my bed next to me.

"Get off my bed." I say grinding my teeth together. "Please Lee-lee just for tonight then if you don't like me, I'll leave you alone."

he says ignoreing my comment and pouting again. "No." I mutter. covering my face with a blanket. "Please Lee-Lee." He

say, again nuzzling my neck. "James, stop." I say, not reallying meaning it. "No." he says, snuggling closer to me,lightly

biting my neck. "James, Fine i'll go.okay." I says, getting away from his lips. "Are you sure, We could stay and find something

else to do." James says, laying my bed and wiggling his eyebrows. "No, we're going." I mutter, ripping my eyes from

james toned arm which are displayed perfectly in a black wife beater, my eyes travel lower and I bit my lip at James

jeans.......Damn he looks good. I think, dropping the blanket from around me and getting a pair of jeans and a tee shirt

from my dresser. "Damn." I hear, james voice come out in a hiss.

"Quit looking." I say, trying to sound mad which comes out a little breathless. "Never." He mutters, when I look

as at him he licks his lips, His eyes glued to my panties, He grunts when I get my pants up and buttoned. feeling my

whole body heat as James And I stare into which only eyes. I quitely pull my shirt on. not wanting a repeat of the

class room scene. "You really?" I ask, grabbing my pusre , throwing my wallet, phone and stuff into it. and walking to my bedroom

door with James on my heels. "You fucking beautiiful. " He whispers in my ears, pulling me back into him.

"thanks." I whisper back, letting my body relax into him. "we should go." James mutter, after a few minutes of him

just holding me. "yeah." I reply, smiling when he takes my hand. one in the morning and i'm going on a date, this should be

fun. i think to myself, smling shyly up at James.


Hey ppl, I just realize that i allready have the names James in another story,,,,,,,,just wondering if you guys have any names idea's????

plz help!!!1

hεψ ppι, d⊕η'† ƒ⊕rgε† †⊕ šh⊕ω šum ι⊕∀ε!!! ψ⊕u κη⊕ω ∀⊕†ε, ς⊕mmεη† ßες⊕mε α ƒαη!!!

hεψ ppι, d⊕η'† ƒ⊕rgε† †⊕ šh⊕ω šum ι⊕∀ε!!! ψ⊕u κη⊕ω ∀⊕†ε, ς⊕mmεη† ßες⊕mε α ƒαη!!!

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