Signed Gimb

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Once upon a time in a large blue world came a thing. It came out of the sky, along with another two and they drifted in different directions. The sky might've been the place of the creators, the three may have been cast off creators, but they had no idea. The only thing they knew was the blue expanse of the world.

Two of these things ended up quite close together with only a mere mile between them, but the other one ended up very far away. The creators planned this, they did not want the three to meet because if they met, ounce by ounce, their memory would return and they'd realise they could've been creators too if for the very fact that they were careless.

Up above in the sky, there had been a problem. A problem with inhabitants of a new world. The things had created that world, but in a feet of construction, they had mistakenly let a rival creator in. The rival's skills were vastly superior to there's and with a click of his fingers, made the world fear their faces, turned them into the very symbol of death itself.

So out the sky cloud they went.

Very quickly, one thing remembered his name, Gimb and equally as quickly, regained a good amount of his skills. He raised a house from the ground up, formed a path, a garden, rooms everything! But suddenly, he just stopped. He had decided his house was enough, it was small certainly, but just enough for one person. The creators watched his progress, horrified at the selflessness he possessed, no real creator would stop at that, no! They'd go on to create cities, life, energy, anything but a small cottage in the middle of nowhere with food supplies ranging from beef to tea! It was so... so ... boring! However, it appeared they had made their judgement too quickly as Gimb stepped out of the house, peered at it's windows and murmured: "It needs something more, it needs a bedroom, no two bedrooms. And a shed, every house needs a shed." The creators were satisfied slightly, it was still a selfless action, but at least his house had a tower. That was what a house always needed.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, the other thing remembered her name, Gimbette. She remembered how to create and she made a lovely little farmhouse, complete with farm. There were flowers everywhere, a windmill, even a little stable, but then, she got stuck. Gimbette forgot how to create life, so her farm was barren, no crops, no cows, not even a measly chicken. She tried so hard to remember, but eventually realised it was a fruitless attempt, she just had to live life without another thing to talk to, she'd be fine. The creators were happy about this, at least she had no people to give her ideas and her farm was a perfect expression of creativity, the one thing that really bothered them, however, was that she gave herself the most gaudy clothes in the most gaudy cut and she liked them.

Another thing that bothered the creators was that all their creations were blue. It made sense as since the memory wipe, blue was the only colour they'd seen, but still, couldn't they try to mix it up a bit?

The third thing had no name, but he was important to the other two none-the-less. He couldn't create, he was just a measly pet, so he did what all pets in his position would do.

He returned to his master.

Signed GimbWhere stories live. Discover now