I'm back baby!

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Dear Diary,

Woah boy do I have a lot to tell you about today! When I found the door yesterday, it was locked and I banged and knocked and suddenly, out came another one like me! Not blue, not fading, but another one of me! And not just one either, there were three! They took me through the door, quite forcefully may I add, and let me into a marble, almost space-station like house! I was given a blanket and some warm, sweet drink whilst the others were conversing in a corner. One came up to me and said I had lost my memory and explained why I was fading back there. Apparently I was giving up? But now I'm back with people my colour is beginning to return, no sign of my memory though. Oh! Another thing! According to these people, my name is Gimb and I had 2 other...people? in my life who they're currently trying to rescue.

I wonder why we needed rescueing in the first place? I kinda hope they're ok.

Signed, Gimb 

(A/N Yay!)

Signed GimbWhere stories live. Discover now