My Experience

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There was this one night I was sleeping and I had a nightmare. In the nightmare I was in my room, it was dark.

It was like I was stuck in my bed, I couldn't move. It didn't feel like a dream, probably because I was in my room, but it just felt very real, like I was awake.

 Anyway, my blanket was lying over me all the way up to my chin. I couldn't move my body, but I looked down and there was something on me.

Not a person nor a thing, it was like a big giant black cloud or something. I just stared at it but it was like I was peeking at it from the blanket. And I knew it was bad, it was scary. You know like things you just know in dreams for some reason, you don't know why, but you just know it.

I knew it was a monster or something. It was bad. I was very scared.

And then I just woke up. The black thing was gone.

But I still couldn't move my body. I just lied there, looking around in my dark room, not being able to move an inch. I was still scared.

So I tried to call for mom. At first not a sound came out. I tried to scream.

It just came out like a whisper. I tried to scream mom again. It didn't work.

Again it was like I was just talking calmly like "Mom, what are you up to?" like you say that sentence normally one day.

I just couldn't scream. Just a quiet, mom. Suddenly like you know when you burn your finger you get reflex and your body pulls your hand away. Just like that I like twitched and I could move again.

When I was younger the same thing happened but it wasn't as scary.

I had a dream about like a halloween party or something. 

It was a party. But there were like skulls and skelton people, it was like dragged out of a child movie. Not scary.

In the dream I went to a house, that was the scary part.

It was like a knew I shouldn't go in. So I would just stand outside watching the house. Just watching it and knowing it was something bad about it.

And then suddenly I would just wake up and not being able to move. I just lied there for awhile having this wierd feeling over my body and I would try to move but I couldn't so I would just lie there and stare at nothing in the room waiting for the feeling to go away, it lasted for just some minutes or seconds but then I could move again and the feeling was gone.

 One time in the morning when I was like 6-7 or something I woke up and in my child room (I have a different room now) the door was right infont of the bed. There was a man standing in the door. A black dressed man standing in the door with a black hat on. Holding a reaper. I stared at the man feeling scared, you couldn't see it's face.  But then I took courage to me cause I couldn't just lie there in my bed, the man was scaring me.  So quickly I got up and just ran as fast as I could through the door, and through that man. And I would run to the living room and I would yell at my mom saying "The reaper was in my door. The reaper was here!" My mom would just say "It's just you're mind playing tricks on you." I thought so too but I've been thinking about this sometimes. I mean I still remember it clearly now when I'm 14 and I was like 6 when that happened. Cause I was sure I was awake. And it stood there, just stood there. I ran through it, I mean it wasn't a dream, I basically ran through it.          

When my mom was like 16-17 she and her parents had rented an summerhouse for a week. And it became night and they were gonna sleep. Her parents were sleeping on the bottom floor. And my mom slept on the top floor with her dog, Cissi. She suddenly woke up in the middle of the night because of her dog that was sleeping was suddenly sitting straight up on the bed. The door that was leading to another room was open cause my mom didn't like being trapped. The there was a stair in the middle of the room leading down. Infront of the stairs there was another door. That door was now slightly open even though my mom had closed it before she went to bed. And Cissi was staring at it intensly. Mom tried to push Cissi down on the bed making her lie down but as fast as she let go of the dog she would just sit straight up again not letting the door go with her eyes.  Mom got scared nad tried again but the dog would absolutely not stop staring at that door. Mom got very scared and planned to go down stairs but to do that she had to go all the way to the scary door and then turn around to go down the stairs. Mom took her dog and carefully sneeked to the scary door staring at it until she came to the stairs, then she throwed herself around down the stairs and run down without looking back.    


Have something like this happend to you? Getting stuck in the bed, real dreams, scary doors, voices, anything?  Then please, if you want, send me your story in mail (Not comment) and I can put it up here and sign it by your name or if you wanna be anonymous =) If not, just enyoy reading, vote and comment what you think about these stories.       

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2012 ⏰

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