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It's been around a week since that, Sebastian, transferred here. I will admit, he does actually look attractive, first time I've called a real male attractive, I'm proud of myself and Rosalia and Luka are most likely shipping it already.

I was just walking to school when I saw Sebastian, he walked over to me after seeing me, we were far from school I'd be stuck with him for like twenty minutes...

"Good morning (Y/N)." He greeted me, nicely.
From what I heard he's a playboy, acts like he likes you, sleeps with you, dumps you.

Ciel said he's different if he actually cares, pfft how the hell does Ciel know that. He doesn't even know that much about me and I'm his sister but I guess he was Sebastian best friend. He'll know best I guess?

I greeted Sebastian back after glaring at him while thinking about all that. He tilted his head slightly with a smile, "Stop. Pretending." I said walking ahead of him, my (H/L) (H/C) hair flowing behind me as I walked, the skirt of my uniform moving in sync with the wind. He stared at me while walking, I could practically feel him eyeing me. And I really don't like people that stare at me.

I turned around and slapped him across the face, I had a straight face. Well, slightly irritated. I left a red mark on his cheek, looked just like my hand. "Hmph." I turned around and kept walking. He just stared, he pressed his hand against his cheek then put his arms to his side. A fake smile returning to his face as he kept walking.

'That bastard?!?! How'd he not get hurt by that I'm the martial arts club leader!?!?!' I thought to myself and growled.

This is what I hated about Guys I liked, I'd try to make them hate me but they'd brush me off and just smile. I've never really like anyone but Sebastian I guess....ARGH!!

I walked into school and out my things away into my locker, I revived a message from Luka 'Sorry! I'm sick and my sinus infection came back I'll be off for a day! I'm so sorry!!' I sighed and slipped my phone into my pocket. Sebastian was in all of my classes so I couldn't say he was stalking me. Just with me. Everywhere I went...

I looked over my shoulder, I saw Sebastian. I never really noticed until know how red his eyes are...bright...crimson...red...They suited him. He wears a lot of black as well, the uniform is meant to be an orange color but he chose the black color.

He could be emo if he tried.

I sat down, where I normally sat and Sebastian sat next to me. We had art class first, out teacher was Miss Togo, she was really nice. We had to draw the person sitting next to us. Ugh.

I started looking at Sebastian squinting my eyes, Rosalia was smirking from the back of the class room as I started to sketch the outline of his face.

After I had finished I shown him and he smiled, "It looks like it's actually me." He said with a smile. As he began to sketch me he gently took my hair out of its pony tail and let it lay over my shoulder, "H-Hey!" I whined and looked away, "You're hair looks better when I can see it while looking at your face as well." He said.


After a long day I finally left school, out exams were in four days. Four!!!

I saw Rosalia with Sebastian, what were they talking about?

Sebastian x Reader (Modern A/U)Where stories live. Discover now