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                     Rishab's POV:


Ugh!!!! Stupid alarm why are you always punctual?

I lazily went into the bathroom,brushed my teeth and took a warm shower and came out with a towel wrapped around my waist. I wore a black T-shirt and a white trouser.

I've taken a day off from my regular practice sessions and wanted to spend a lazy day with Arjun ,my best friend since God knows when. I dialled Arjun and he took it in the second ring.

"Hey Arjun. I'm free today. Let's meet. It has really been a long time."

"Bro, I know you are a celeb and is  always busy. But look I can be busy too." He spoke irritated.

"Ohho! Did you become the prime minister of India overnight? Shut up and come to my house within half an hour." I snapped back.

I know Arjun can never say no to me and one more thing the alarm clock and Arjun will never lose their punctuality. As I told, he was there within thirty minutes.

"Hi dude!" He came inside my room as usual without knocking and snatched the apple which I was eating.

"You dog poop. Give me that apple back."

"Ewwww...what kind of a celebrity fights for an apple? Go take an other one." I glared but nevertheless went and took myself an apple. I know he did it just for a small revenge as I disturbed him in his office hours.


We were playing video games and suddenly my phone buzzed. It was from an unknown number.

"Hi sir. I'm a huge fan of yours. I've never seen an amazing batsman like you." a female voice sang breathless over the phone.

Honestly I don't like fans calling me that too to my personal number. Many times I changed my number because of this. It is not like I hate my fans. I love them and I'm nothing without them. It's just that if I am so easy to contact, then I will no longer be considered as a celebrity. And sometimes few people play pranks in disguise of my fans.

"Who are you? How did you get my number?" I maintained my voice calm since I didn't want to scare a girl who is my fan.

"Sir I'm Diya sharma. I'm Rishab pandya's friend. He gave me this number."

Her reply puzzled me.

"What are you blabbering? When did you become my friend Ms. Whatever Sharma?"

"No sir. You got it wrong. I'm Rishab Pandya's friend and your fan." She seemed tensed.

"Miss sharma whom are you speaking with now?"

"Umm ... Isn't it Msd?."

Realization hit me. How did I forget it. How did I forget that puppy face? What should I do now? Should I apologize? Why should I ? However she got the chance to speak with a celebrity like me. She should be happy about it.

"Miss Sharma,listen. I'm Rishab pandya. I know you will be confused now. But I'm busy now so I can't explain. Meet me at Starbucks in the city mall at 3:00 pm, I'll explain it to you." I hung up and then thought why I told her to meet me. I could have cut her now by telling not to call back. But really I don't want to cheat anyone after giving hopes.

Yeah I know I'm too good to hurt anyone. But I could have cleared the misunderstanding over phone and apologized. It would have impressed her.

No wrong track Rishab. Why should you impress her? Maybe yesterday's disoriented state of mine is following me?

Now I only know one thing. I told her to meet me and I will deal with her directly.


Diya's POV:
                      "But why?" Beep. The phone was hung already.

I'm confused very badly. Why did he give me his number instead of Dhoni's? If he can't give then why did he accept the deal or even proposed it in the firsthand? He cheated me. I would have at least been happy with the ball. However he didn't tell me he was going to give me his number if I  come. Then why should I go?

But should I go? At least I will be able to boast to everyone that I met a celebrity and had coffee with him. I definitely know Nisha will kill me when she comes to know about this.

Yeah Nisha!!! I should ask her. I dialled her number and she picked it soon.

"Hey Nisha. I'm struck with something now. I want you to help me."

"What is it now? Lost your underwear?" I rolled my eyes at her reply.

"Stop it ,Nisha. I'm more responsible than you to keep my underwear safe."

"You mean I'll lose it?"

I thought of replying the question when suddenly I remembered the motive behind the call.

I explained the whole situation to her.

"Woah!!!! You must not miss chances like this Diya. You've got a jackpot. Why is it always you? Why are you always the luckiest one and not me? Anyway I'm happy for you Diya, congrats!!"

"Hey hello! I'm just meeting him ,not dating him."

"Maybe that is in the coming soon part." she said dreamily.

I decided to give it a try as Nisha insisted and I too wanted a reason.
He shouldn't have cheated me!


Rishab's POV:
                   "What is it man? Is she pretty?" Arjun asked and I glared at him.

"Why do you always think rubbish?"

"Bro, I know you very well. If she is not pretty why did you lie to her that you are busy now  when you are just sitting here doing nothing but playing video games ? I can clearly understand that you want to meet her instead of telling it in the phone."

"You know nothing about me man. It is just that it can be settled only when I speak with her directly. I don't want to be portrayed as a cheat in someone's mind."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Rishi."

I really have to divert his attention right now.

"Arjun make a puppy face."

"Why? "

"Just do."

He made a puppy face and I couldn't control my laughter.

"Dude that's not a puppy face. It is a piggy face" and in return I got a smack on my head.


A/n: I hope you liked this chapter. If yes then press the star button:)

They are going to meet again!!!😝😝

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