Act V All's Well That Ends Well

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Some time after the couples were wed, they were all returning to Nishigori's home for what would certainly be a long night of celebration. Nishigori and his now wife Yukko had listened to the lovers' tales with interest and humor, their stories were quite beyond believing, even among all the tales of odd happenings in those woods.

" They talk of such strange things," Yukko was saying as they entered their home,surrounded by attendants and headed for the main hall. " All those lovers and their stories.."

Nishigori knew the tales of old but had never believed them himself. He shrugged all of their nonsense away. " Those old fables and stories have no truth in them. Lovers, the insane and poets possess an unending imagination, more than any reasonable person can hope to understand. They see devils in the shadows,angels in the clouds -their imagination brings wondrous things out of nothing. "

Yukko was not quite convinced they'd made everything up. " But their stories all tell of similar things, how could they all share the same delusion?"

Her confusion only amused her husband, they came to the hall where the celebration would be held, taking their seats at the table of honor. " There Yukko,the others have arrived,our fortunate lovers. "then to their guests. " Come join us, may love and joy always fill your hearts!"

"To you as well,"Victor replied smiling and hugging Yuri as they found their own seats. "It's you we owe all of this for, the wedding,the party and a place to stay while we celebrate."

Victor and Yuri were very happy to share a kiss, as for Otabek and Yurio, Otabek simply took Yurio's hand,kissing it with his usual serious expression causing Yurio to blush a deep red,grumble something under his breath and look away.

"Now tell me what entertainment do we have for this night?" Nishigori looked for the man in charge of this celebration, "Celestino, you there, tell me what you've found for us."

The man,Celestino stood before the table where Nishigori and his wife sat, his full,long brown hair falling down his back almost like a mane. He proudly produced the scrolled paper listing everything he'd found and began to go over the list.

"There is a travelling set of performers, twin brother and sister I am told that are prepared to sing a duet while the sister plays the harp in accompaniment. It is a song of love in their native tongue." he declared

Nishigori frowned,considering. "We will hear that later perhaps,what else do you have?"

"Of course, "Celestino returned to the list. "There is a play,a very brief telling of the tragic tale of Pryamus and Thisby. But I am told though it is quite brief, it is also far too long my lord."

"Who are the actors?" Nishigori inquired, a bit interested now they could use some humor to keep the mood light and happy.

"Working men from the town, they are new to such labors as this though." Celestino was uncertain it would be anything but dull.

Nishigori was convinced otherwise. "We will see this play."

"Really,my lord, it is not worth your time or the time of your guests." Celestino attempted his argument once more. "I have seen it."

"It can not be so bad,Celestino, if the players have put their best efforts into their craft. Have them come out and preform for us." Nishigori was sure of his words, it was best to support such ambitions.

His wife was uncertain what her husband intended, as she trusted Celestino's judgement and feared what might become of the men and their play.

He really didn't know what he was asking for. Not at all, but Celestino relented and called the actors out into the hall to face their expectant audience.

It was, indeed, very bad. The fact that the guests had been drinking and were very loud with comment, criticism and what they felt was humor did not help matters one bit. The audience was very much entertained,but not in a way the poor actors intended. There was talk about their skill,or lack thereof if one would believe a very drunk audience. They had good fun with the wall, finding a talking wall silly and when Pryamus(JJ) cursed the wall for being between himself and his love there were shouts that the poor wall should curse him back.

"The wall is vanished from between them." Nishigori commented

"But this wall can hear ,my lord, and speak of what it hears." Otabek commented

Their thoughts on the lion and moonlight, played by Guang Hong and Leo:

"The lion is a very gentle beast," Nishigori commented

"The very best lion if I ever saw one." Otabek agreed

"That lion is a fox with his valor." Victor put in

"True, but he is a goose with his discretion." Nishigori decided

" But his valor can't carry his discretion,my lord" Otabek countered " Not as the fox carries a goose."

"His discretion can not carry his valor," Nishigori argued "Leave it to his discretion then and we'll listen to the moon."

Moon: "This lantern shall represent the horned moon's light."

"He should be wearing horns then."Yurio reasoned

"Perhaps his horns are invisible?" Otabek wondered. "Concealed on his dark side?"

Moon: "I am only a man representing the moon..." Leo was trying,but the audience was relentless

"This is their worst mistake," Victor told them " He should be inside the lantern, then he would be the man in the moon." he declared very proudly.

"Your words are sillier than those the actors speak." Yukko told them

This scenes went on throughout the performance,becoming ever sillier as time passed and the more they drank. By the of the last entertainment that was presented, the twin siblings from Italy who created their romantic melody, Victor and Yuuri were in tears,Otabek had no idea what to do when faced with this and Yurio was simply disgusted and embarrassed by them. They left the hall not long after, retiring to their beds for whatever celebrations they might yet have in mind. The hall,dark and quiet in wait for the servants to clean in the morning was invaded then by the fairies. The King and Queen and all their attendants appearing to do their will and bess the palace and all its inhabitants. It was their gift,though none in this place could see them or would ever know they had been there. Before all of them came Phichit, preparing their entrance and making sure no one was around. It was he that followed the darkness like a dream,sweeping away the dust for the others.

They brought song,music and dancing in their efforts to bring peace and happiness to this home and everyone inside it. With their gifts, love will last eternally and never be broken, they would never be parted, the lovers here ,and always be safe without another bad dream to haunt their sleep.

It was,of course, the good hearted,good natured and definitely mischievous Phichit who had the last word on all the events and he did so with a smile and a bow.

" If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend:
if you pardon, we will mend:
And, as I am an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call;
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.

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