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After our conversation, Seven introduces me the members who are respected. 

"Number 3 had already killed thirty-two police officers who tried to investigate our hide-out "Seven saying this while pointing a man with a Serpent Tattoo surrounded by his shoulder.

"So, His mission is to kill those who aims to find this location?". He looks at me without expressions then he nods. 

"Does the people here have another name beside of a number?". I ask him, seeing his face with disappointment. 

"Well, Since you are a neophyte, It's not my responsibility to make you know a thing about this goddamned world, seek it for yourself " he replied with anger. 

I look at him then he also look at me then smirk and I don't know why. 

"I bet you don't know how to kill". Seven said with a naughty smile on his face. 

"Okay, I will inform you the basic rules... Names are not allowed here and all  you will notice are usernames and numbers and ...To kill your co-members is allowed without any punishment. The way of living here is survival. The more you kill, The more money you will earn. If you will fail a mission, you will be punished." 

He take a walk and went to a group of people who are doing their own stuff, Drinking Liquors.

"HEY!" seven shouted and One man look and went to seven the give him a High-five. 

"So, Just like what we used to do". He said while giving seven A big glass of beer. 

"At exactly eight in the evening "Seven said then Gulp the beer. 

"Just Wait for me there, I still have some task to finish"-seven 

After drinking the beer, He walks away then goes to another direction. 

"So back to our topic,ahm, The missions are variety depending on what our Boss assigned to our leader. Selling drugs, Inventing drugs and making it more aggressive, Killing those people assigned by our Boss and Disobeying the laws." 

He open a door then goes inside. It's very dark but I just followed him politely. 

"Where are we going? "I ask him 

"Since you are still a kid, You need to learn more". 

I saw a light and from there, I saw an arena with two men fighting.

"The only way to escape is to kill your opponent. You cannot quit or else, all of the crowd who are watching will kill you. "I look at him doubting. 

"What is this place?". I ask then He points his finger on a metal board with words written: "Road to Hell-Chaos27" 

"This is our playground, wanna play? "He looks at me seriously while grabbing a cigarette on his pocket. 

"How?" he fired it using lighter with an etched name 'Ego7' 

"Before the game start, There should be a players depending on what type of the game, Single or double elimination. Everyone in the crowd must have a bet and set their money to the box of those player they want. 

And for the players, There are barriers to avoid unless They want to feel electric shocks over them.So, if you are one of the player,  you have only two choices, Kill or be killed. 

If you win, you will get both of the boxes."-Seven said while smoking. Breathing in, Then out. 

We watch the game which is single elimination. I see a player dying and was covered by his own blood.

He tries to escape but the cruelty reveals more, one man opens the barrier's door not to help him but to be killed by the crowd. He's screaming but they are laughing evilly . I can see his blood flowing on the floor, I can't take to see it but I force myself to know the thing that I have chosen. They took him out of the arena, sprawling his body while he is barely breathing. They stop to continue the torturing when they notice that he is still alive. He's dead now but his opponent come to stab him.

"what the hell is this? He's already dead! " words came out, shocked by what I have seen.
"That's the consequences of having a boring fight " Seven smirks.
I watch the remaining player, he is trying to get the boxes but the crowd have already open it and get all the money. He tries to fight his right but he managed himself to shut his mouth. The crowd are too many.
"That was unfair, I thought he will get his prize. " I ask curiously what this game was all about
"For what? for stabbing his opponent's corpse? A great fool indeed! "Seven replies defensively. "He deserves to be killed then " seven added.
"For what?" I ask.

"For letting Chaos27 opened the door, He used his last card which is asking some help but with payments, of course. How dare him to ask some boxes, he must accept death for playing the game too immature. " After He finishes his opinion, he look at the man who opened the barrier's door.
"He's name is Chaos27,.the manager of the arenas, the leader of warriors and fighters. He is the leader of the West and I belong to Ego66, the leader of the North. I considered him as my enemy. "He crossed his arms and leans on the wall which is behind from where we are.
"Tell me about the leaders "I look at him,  he light another cigarette and throw the used at the arena. He hits one person, The man who played the game a while ago.The man noticed it and look for where it comes from. When he is looking from where we are, Seven throws his two hands up with his middle finger. Seven smirks and the man just blurted out his anger. He taps my back.

"Let's go. "Seven started to walk and I just follow him.
"The man who have a serpent tattoo, He is Slayer3 from the South. The others were Chaos27, Ego66 and Raven88.Raven88 is from the west and was known as the great thief, no one can caught him even his father, Our Boss. The three leaders respect him like our Boss Even in his young age. He became a leader in the age of 16 and already invented his own drugs which people used here for their fights".

I just nods.

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