Chapter 18

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Could things get any worse? Dani miscarried, I'm pregnant with out a baby father, and my mom is coming. I swear this is a conspiracy. I knew I was gonna have to tell my mom, but I wanted to do it on my terms. Now not only am I gonna look irresponsible but also like a hoe. My dad was for sure going to have a stroke. I just want everything work out, but I know better.

Odell POV
I hadn't told anyone yet about me and Jenay's situation except Jarvis. I haven't even told him yet that Jenay was pregnant. I was upstairs in my room. I held the pregnancy test Jenay had thrown at me in my hand. I held onto it. I don't know why. I just did. It takes me back to the time when this happened before.

I was in college. Jenay said she needed to talk to me. I had shut the door to my dorm behind me and sat on the bed.

"I'm going to need you to listen and save your opinion until after I'm done."


"I'm pregnant."
I remember feeling scared, calm, happy, worried, I felt a lot of things.

"Okayyyyyyyyyyyy." I dragged. I wanted to say more but she wanted my opinion in the end.

"I want an abortion."

I gulped.


"Please. Just hear me out. Babe, we aren't ready for a kid. We're in college you're playing football. A baby will only hold you back. I don't wanna be the reason for your failure. I couldn't live with that. You've worked way to hard." She started crying.

I stood up.
"You're not ever going to be a reason for any of my fuck ups. I think we should keep it."
She looked me straight into my eyes.

"Baby. I'm not asking you. Im telling you."

"Well it's my baby too!"

"But it's my body."

"What the fuck is wrong with you Jenay."

"I'm sorry if I care to much about our future Dell!"

"I think I should have a say!"

She looked down.

"The appointment is already scheduled."

I went to the door and opened it.
I gritted my teeth.

"Well I think you should get out."

She walked out.
I was pissed as hell that she wanted to abort the pregnancy. She didn't even care about what I thought.

We didn't talk for two days. I went to her house. Her mom said she was out. I strolled in her room and looked at her calendar. The appointment was that day. I had missed her. I waited for her to come home. When she got there she saw me and stopped in her tracks. She looked like she had been bawling. When she saw me she just started crying again.
She cried in my chest.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay."

"I didn't want you to feel like I was "trapping" you." She stuttered.

I rubbed her hair.

"I would never feel that way. I love you."

"I love you too."

I stayed by her side that whole night.
Now that I'm thinking about what happened I'm a little shaken up. What if she aborts the baby again. I had to get over there.

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