Foolish .

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Flashback Senior Year of High School


I heard my mom yell from downstairs. "Lauren's here."

Lauren was my best friend at Newman. She was one of the only black girls that went there at the time. I was surprised she just popped up.
I heard her climb the stairs and pried open the door to my room.
My room had wooden floors and a lush pink carpet in front of my bed. Pink walls and magazine clippings of Beyoncé and Rihanna. I had a radio on my white vanity by the window playing "OMG" by Usher.
Lauren stared at the edge of my bed where I was painting my nails.

She pulled out her phone.

She sounded out of breath.

"Girl I came straight here from the mall."


She unlocked her phone. It was a video of Odell with some little white girl at the mall all goofy and holding hands. My heart sunk.

"That's  Katie from school." She added.

I couldn't believe this. He was cheating on me. I wasn't even angry I was just sad. My whole day changed. I felt sick. He had never done this before or even gave me any signals that let me know sum was up. It made me wonder. Had this been happening the whole time. I felt hurt cuz I had shared so much with him over the the years. I thought we were good.
I couldn't help but just cry.
Lauren put my head on her chest and rubbed my arm.

"You should at least ask him about it."

"What is there to say? It's all here." I sobbed.

I started to get angry.

"So what are you gonna do?"

"I'm gone beat his ass and Katie ass."

Lauren let go.

"Are you serious?" She said sounding appalled.

I used to see fights all the time back in Miami when I went to a public school.

"Hell yeah ."

Lauren rolled her eyes.

"I personally don't think that's what you should do."

"Well that's what I'm gonna do."

I didn't answer any of Odell's texts when he finally came across the street to my house. And my nice ass mom let him in. I rolled my eyes as soon as he came in.

"Did you get my texts? I'm trying to go to the movies tonight."

I scrolled through my phone.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."


"Huh." I mocked him.
I threw my phone across the room at him breaking it against the wall. I hopped out the bed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled as lodged toward him.
He pushed me away.


He clenched his jaw and gulped.

"It's not-"
I slapped him.
My mom ran up the steps. She glanced at Odell and he retreated downstairs and slammed the door.

"What the hell is going on with you two?" She said.

"Nothing anymore." I said.


At school the following day I rode with Lauren.

At school the following day I rode with Lauren

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(My outfit)
"So y'all really gone fight?"

"Yep." I said staring out the window.

Lauren shrugged. 
When we parked at school I ran up the steps into the building. I zipped up my jacket. And headed into the building. People were looking at me a lil odd because I was giving off a vibe. I went up to the 2nd floor where Odell and Katie's locker was. They were locker neighbors. I saw Odell talking to Katie at the lockers. I don't know what got into me I just ran up.

"You tryna fuck on my man bitch?!!" I yelled as I reached for her hair to get in a good hit.

I bopped her across the face over and over again.

I could feel Odell trying to pull me away.

As I had her down she tried to grab hold of my jacket.

I started kneeing her in the face and kicking her in the legs.

She fell down to the ground and I straddled myself on top of her beating her in the face.

Odell and security dragged me away from Katie.

I could see the people with their phones out videoing everything.

I didn't care about Katie or her bloodied up face.

I didn't care about people talking about me.

I cared because I had been betrayed.

Looking back I wouldn't have done anything differently.

My dad took away my car☹️.(I got another one the next year😊 but I was mad at the time.)

My mom gave this whole speech about problem solving.

Odell POV

I walked into the kitchen where my mom was at the table on her phone.

"I thought you and Nay were going to the mall after school?" She said sounding confused.

"We broke up." I croaked.
I sat my bag down on the grounded and proceeded toward the stairs.

"What do you mean y'all broke up?!" She sat down her phone and stood up.
"What did you do?!"

"Why do care?!"

"Boy if you don't-"

"I cheated."

She huffed.

"What a damn fool."


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