I have fallen for someone I shouldn't have. This is tearing me apart. They're fucking taken, for fucks sake. We're friends (I think) but I ... I dunno.
But I can't stop thinking about them.
Also, I'm a "Teflon", a sort of code for Panromantic between me and my friends. But, for some reason, I call myself gay sometimes, even though I'm not.
(Holy Fuck...My phone auto corrected friends to friend. Kill me now.)
BTW, song is relevant and also a really good song. Imelda May, All For You. Imelda May is Irish like me!
What Goes On In My Head
DiversosEver wondered what goes on in my brain. No? Didnt think so. Here you go. Be happy now. Did it work? Didnt think so either. Y u read dis? Idk. Y i rite dis? Idk.