Chapter 10

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"Hey, P. Long time no see." I smiled at him, shoook his hand and quickly released it.

"You know each other?" Mrs. Bell asked.

"We were neighbors back in LA," I said.

Ross chukled and I looked at him, raising my left eyebrow. "We weren't just neighbors, P. We were--"

"Best friends," I interrupted him before he could say anything. I looked at him with wide eyes and he just smirked. I missed that smirk.

My friends looked at me, confused. "I'll explain later," I mouthed at them.

Ross and Mr. Andrews gave us a tour around the university, told us some history and facts about the school. I couldn't focus on what they were saying because I was distracted by the fact was in front of me.

I was drowning in my own thoughts when Lili nudged me, "is he the guy you've been talking about?" I nodded and walked inside the hall where the seminard was held.


During the seminar, I told Justin and Lili about Ross, that I knew he was here and more about out relationship. Lili said that Ross looked nice, caring and very charming. Justin agreed. Well, yes, I agree too and that's the reason why I still have feelings for him.

It has been 2 hours since the seminard started. I got bored, so I went out of the hall to get some food to keep me awake. I was busy deciding which flavor of juice should I choose when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked around and saw Ross giving me a sad smile. I want to hug him and go out of this school and go to the nearest cafe and spend time with him. But I can't. I need to stop myself.

I was about to walk forward when he grabbed my hand, "hey, don't you miss me?"

I laughed sarcastically, "I think you already know what's my answer to your question. You know me too well, right?" I tried to get out of his grip, but I can't, he's too strong.

"Can we talk? I want to tell you something important," he said in a serious tone.

"I have a seminar to attend to."

"You'll be having your lunch later, right?"

"Yes, but I'll be eating lunch with my friends."

He sighed and said, "I just need to talk to you. Eat lunch with me and I promise, I'll never bother you again."

I looked in his eyes and he looked like he's being honest, so I nodded my head and agreed. After our little conversation, I entered the hall again and told my friends what happened outside.

Lili and I were busy talking and we didn't realize that it was lunch already. I told Mrs. Belle that I'll be having lunch with the guy who gave us a tour a while ago and she agreed. I said goodbye to them and started walking outside.

Ross was already there when I got outside, grinning at me. I chuckled softly and walked forward to him.

He brought me to a small cafe outside the campus. There were only a few people inside and I think it's perfect because we can have our private talk without people eavesdropping.

I took a seat near the window to enjoy and examine the beauty of Ohio, and he followed me. He ordered seafood marinara and he looked at me, "let me guess, chicken alfredo?" I nodded and he ordered it.

When the server left, I looked at him, crossing my arms, "so what's that something important that you want to tell me?"

He held my hand and I tried to pull away, but his grip was too tight, so I gave up and let him hold my hand. "Love, I'll be straight to the point okay because I want to get this out of my chest as soon as possible," he said. I was surprised when he called me 'love' and I almost teared up a bit. "I know it's been almost 2 years since you left me, but I still have feelings for you. My friends told me that I should just move on and forget you like what you've told me, but I can't. They said that I should just find another girl, but you're the only girl that I want. I kept on stalking your social media accounts to be able to know what's happening to you and to see your pictures when I'm down because you make me happy. In fact, you're the reason why I'm here in Ohio. I want to be as close to you as possible," he paused for a while, then continued, "you're the reason why I fixed my life and became a better man," he said, tightening his grip. "I just want to tell you that, I miss you so much and I still love you," he muffled, trying to stop his tears from falling.

I could hear my heart pounding so hard like it wanted to get out of my chest. I didn't move and said anything, I just stared at him, a tear falling from my right eye. I was about to say something, but got interrupted when the serve arrived with out orders. He released my hand and wiped his tears away, I wiped mine too.

We ate our food quietly, no one has the courage to speak up. After I finished eating my food, I looked at my watch and saw that I only had 15 minutes remaining before the seminar started again. Ross noticed that I was looking at my watch and he said, "I think we should go. You'll be late."

He stood up and I stopped him, "no, it's okay. I'll just call Mrs. Bell and tell her I'll be late. I'm sure she wouldn't mind." I texted Mrs. Bell and she agreed, but she said that I should get back soon.

"Are you sure?" he asked, sitting down. I nodded and said, "actually I have something to tell you as well."

"What is it?" he asked.

I took a deep breathe, fidgeting my fingers nervously, "Ross, I lied."

He gave me a confused look and said, "what do you mean you lied?"

I looked at him straight in the eyes and said, "I lied. I told you that I was disgusted by your presence. I told you that I regret saying yes to be your girlfriend. I told you that I didn't love you anymore. It was all a lie." I was crying, but I still continued, grabbing his hand, "I broke up with you because I didn't want a long distance relationship and I thought it would be better for the both of us, so we can focus on our studies and achieving our dreams. But I was wrong. I tried to forget you, I tried to move, but I can't. You were and still on my mind every second of every minute of every hour of every day," I paused to wipe my tears, but he did it and I leaned into his touch, "Ross, babe, I miss you too and I still love you."

He grinned and stood up to grab me and hug me. I stood up as well and he spinned me around. When he brought me down, he cupped my cheeks with his hands, our faces were only inches away and said, "you don't know how much you make me happy today."

I smiled at him, then he kissed me softly on the forehead.

We left the cafe immediately because I realized I was late already and Mrs. was probably mad looking for me. But I didn't care. What's important was that Ross and I were together again.

We walked the streets of Ohio with intertwined hands, talking about the things we miss in LA. We laughed when we reminisced about our memories in the park and in Redwood. I miss LA. But I missed Ross more. I'm glad that neither of us gave up. I'm glad that I'm holding his hand right now.

We reached the seminar hall in no time. I was about to enter the hall when he grabbed my waist and hugged me, "I don't have classes anymore, so I'll be here later when your seminar's done."

I pulled away from the hug,kissed him on the cheek and started walking forward. Before I could enter the hall, I turned around and said, "wait for me, okay?"

"I'll always be waiting for you, love."



It's A/n time!!

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