Chapter Nine ;D

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*Friday – 6th period – Samm’s P.O.V*

            I was drumming my fingers along my desk. There were only 5 more minutes, and then we would be free to go home. I looked up to the board and under ‘Detentions’, it said my name. Fuck! What did I do?! I raised my hand.

            “Yes Samm?”

                        “Why do I have detention? I did nothing wrong.”

            “You failed to turn in your essay paper last week on Monday. Therefore-“

                        “I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL DIEING.” I screamed, cutting him off.

I heard a whisper of murmurs go around the room. Suddenly, a note landed on my desk. I read it and it said:

I wish u died there. No 1 loves u. No 1 care about u.

            Tears formed in my eyes. I found myself running out of the room.

As I was running, I slammed into someone.

            “I-I-I’m so sorry!” I said, trying to keep my head down and my voice under control.

The person didn’t say anything, but pulled me into an embrace. It smelled like my favorite; Axe and mint. Before I could see who it was, the figure spoke.

                        “What happened Samm?” Alex said.

            “Nothing.” I said, mumbling a bit.

                        “Don’t lie.”

            “Just stuff, alright?”

He just patted my head as we sank to the ground. I layed my head on his chest and he started stroking my hair. It almost felt perfect. With his other hand, he started caressing my visible cheek. He chuckled a bit when he saw the crimson blush cover my face. I may have still been mad at him, but I let it all go for a moment.

            This whole little scene happened in 3 minutes.

                        “We better get back to class. Hey, can you meet me at the football field? I want to show you something.” Alex asked.

            “Can’t. I’ve got detention.”

                        “Ditch it.”


He helped me up and walked away with a small squeeze to my shoulder.

            I quickly ran back to my classroom just in time to grab my backpack and leave for the bell.

            “Samm! Come back! Come back now or do detention on Monday.” Mr. Michael yelled.

                        “Monday it is!” I yelled back at him.

            I met up with Nia in the hallway. We walked to the football field, making fun of the weird whores we saw on TV. When we finally got there, the sight I saw was too much. I saw Alex making out with Jessica. Was this the reason he brought me here? To show me he was officially with her?

I guess Alex could feel our stares because he dropped Jessica on her ass.

            Nia put her arm around my shoulder and we trudged away slowly, with Alex’s screams in the background. When we got to her car, she drove me to her house. When we got there, my mouth dropped slightly. I absolutely loved her house. It was two stories high and it was painted a creamy color. There was even a balcony!

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