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As I was sitting at home watching The Prince and Me, all I could think about was Luke. I had so many questions, even though I knew I would never bring myself to ask him. I wasn't exactly sure what we were. But more than that, I wasn't sure if I still had feelings for Harry.

I decided to push my thoughts aside and call Perrie. Even with the break up, Perrie and I were close and I knew she would give me advice. I picked up the phone and called her.

Perrie: Makenzie! Hello, love.

Me: Hey! How are you?

P: I'm doing swell. What about you? I heard about the break up.. everyone has. It's all over American & UK magazines.

M: I'm not surprised. People can't mind their own business. But I'm okay, kind of. I'm actually calling for advice.

P: anything, dear. what's wrong?

M: I know I just got out of my relationship with Harry. and I don't want you to think I didn't love him. But, recently I've found myself a bit attracted to an old friend. Although, I am not sure how I feel about Harry, now.

P: You are a hot mess, K. Personally, I think it's a bad idea to get into anything right now. What you and Harry had was special I don't think it should be thrown away in a week. In my opinion, you should talk to Harry. Find out exactly where you two are right now. You two were in love and love isn't something you just throw away.

M: I guess you're right, should I call him?

P: absolutely. I have to run, call me tomorrow?

M: for sure!

P: I love you, K.

M: I love you too, P.

I was so frustrated, but I hated to admit she was right. Maybe it is too soon. I need to call Harry. Now.

So I picked up my phone and prepared myself for the most awkward of all phone calls.

M: he-hello?

H: Kenzie, baby? Is that you?

M: Yes, Harry. It's me.

H: H-how are you?

M: I'm.. alright. How are you?

H: I miss you..

I had to admit it.

M: I miss you too.

H: Please.. give me another chance. Im in Ireland right now, you could fly out and see how it goes.. please baby.

I didn't know if I was ready to see him. I didn't know if I was ready to leave Luke.

But I needed to know how I felt.

M: Fine. I'll fly out in a week.

H: I love you.

M: I love you too, babe.

Just then, Luke walked into my room.

he frowned. "your mom let me in, but looks like you have enough company." and with that.. he stormed out.

My first instinct was to chase after him.

I took off after him, and we both stormed past my mom and out of the house.

"Luke! please, let me explain!"

"Explain what? how you've been fucking with me the past few days and now you're going back to him?! No need to explain. I've got it all. It's a shitty thing to do when you pretend you like someone."

"Luke! I- I wasn't pretending."

"Then what do you call it? Because I actually thought we had something. I thought I finally had my chance. But I dont. But he's gonna get another chance and I'm the underdog."

"that's not it! I'm going because I like you! because I'm so confused about how I feel about you.. you made me feel like I never even had him.. I want to go because if I don't, I'll fall in love with you and I don't know if I'm ready for that."

He stood silently. I expected him to yell. To get angry.. but he didn't. He just ran up.. and kissed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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