#12 Proposal

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"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked with a polite heart.

She turned to gaze in his grey eyes. Taking his hand in hers, she shook her head a bit.

"You see Rahul, I'm a little ambitious about my life. I've these tiny little dreams that I wish to fulfill before I get into a relationship or emotionally invest into someone."

He wasn't shocked at all. He always knew the girl was born to make a name. But he just had to try.

"I can hitchhike on the road to your dreams. You know I don't mind that. And that way, you'd always have someone to crash into when you face a storm."

She saw sheer innocence in his eyes. She knew he was saying the truth. She knew these weren't just words to win her heart today and ditch her tomorrow. No. She knew he'd always stay there. But that's what she was afraid of.

"Your words are sweet Rahul, but this is exactly what I don't want," she said getting up, "While I know that you'd always be there for me, but what I'm afraid of is when the time comes to chase your dreams, I might not accompany you. And I don't want to see you break at that juncture. No."

She turned her back and started to walk away. She didn't dare glance back for the fear of changing her decision.

But he still called back. She stopped, but didn't turn.

"It's okay Aditi, I understand," he said walking towards her, "Tomorrow, when both our dreams are in our pocket, I'll try my luck again."

He stood right beside her and winked saying that last line. Quietly slipping his hand in hers again, he looked back in her eyes.

"But today, we can always be friends, right?"

Smile crept on her face as they left the park behind. He was definitely the best friend she could ask for.


A shorty by chasing_uncertainty

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