#89 Dreamy Future

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Welcome to the world of dreams.

Don't worry about your future. We'll dream it for you.

Swapna and Sapan welcome you to this world of dreams.

They opened their shops beside each other. Their business was simple. When the customers described their worries, they took a nap and allowed the dreams to talk. Then, they'd just lay out those dreams for their customers to see. What they interpreted from it wasn't their concern.

One day, a teenager visited his shop first. He had exams a couple of days later and he wished to know how he'd perform.

Sapan heard it with interest and then went to take a nap. Unfortunately, his eyes did close but his dreams remained aloof. He wasn't worried though, that wasn't the first time it had happened. That was one of the normal glitch in their line of business. It were times like when his improvisation skills were tested.

He opened his eyes and saw the world from the eyes of a teenager. The reason he was here just meant one thing. He didn't put all his efforts to studies. He was doubtful. And that was the thing which Sapan had to use to his advantage.

"I saw a world, both hazy and bright. There was an excitement in the air and an aura of nervousness too. As the exam began, everyone began to write except for one. The boy's hand moved fast, but no words were etched on the paper. How could they, there was no ink in his pen. And just like that, the world faded into darkness."

"Does that mean I'd fail?" The teenager bought the fear that Sapan sold.

"My job is just to convey the dreams to you child..." He left it hanging delaying the inevitable, "Take this ring and just allow your fate to roll for you. Everything happens for a reason."

That teenager put the ring on and exited the shop. Once out, his thoughts were in overdrive. While he believed everything happened for a reason, he was still afraid to fail.

That's when he glanced at Swapna's shop. How about if I take a second opinion? At most, I'd still be failing. But then, there's also a chance that something else might emerge.

All he needed was a hope to cling on. And that was exactly what Swapna gave him.

She saw Sapan's ring on the teenager's finger and knew what might have transpired. Sapan must have scared the little child. He must have showed him what could happen if the devil played his hand. And so now, it was her turn to play and angel.

"I saw a hall filled with darkness. No light, nothing. And then suddenly, a hand came in from nowhere to mask the world in its glow."

That did the job it was intended to. It aroused a ray of hope in that teenager. He passed his exam, just on line, but that didn't matter. The next semester, he directly went to Swapna to have her dreams.

This time, she knew she was the first one being approached. And so, she played the devil she was supposed to. As expected, the teenager wasted no time in seeking a second opinion from Sapan, who took over the role of an angel.

Swapna and Sapan went on and on like this, giving the people hope and destroying them when needed.

People believed that their business would be ruined since they had their shops side by side, but they proved that if the partnership was good, any business could be a superhit.

But then, the business of playing with people's future had always been a hit.


"Only your efforts can shape your future."


Have you ever had such moments where you thought that you've already watched the scene that is unfolding in your life somewhere?

In your dreams?

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