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"You don't belong here,Rachel. And you can't hate me for helping you on your way"Quinn yelled her voice breaking.

Rachel held her tears in. She turned and walked away. "We have to write a song!"Quinn yelled after her.

"Not today"Rachel screamed back.

It had been a whole year since Rachel and Quinn's fight and neither had spoken and Rachel was avoiding Finn as much as possible. Until today.

He basically cornered her into a classroom and closed the door.

"What is up with you?"he said frustrated. "what do you mean?"she asked. He looked at her as if she had just said that she didn't want a solo.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

She avoided any eye contact with him."I'm not"

"I thought we were best friends"

"Yeah we are just I've been busy"she smiled inwardly at herself for covering herself so easily.

"Well anyway I need your help with something"

"What is it?"

"I want to propose to quinn"

She felt like her heart had fell right out of her and he was crushing it on the floor. She could see him talking but couldn't hear him. She walked past him and out the room with a shattered look on her face before going to the bathroom where she just slid to her knees and cried.

"Rachel"puck said from outside the bathroom. "Yeah"she croaked out as she was set into a another load of sobs. With hearing this puck came in and cradled her in his arms on the floor. "What's wrong? I can quite literally kill anyone who does this to my hot Jewish princess"

"Finn is going to propose to Quinn"

"I thought you were over him"he whispered more to himself.

They sat for a good ten minutes before they got up and Rachel cleaned herself up before going to the choir room. When they got into the room mr Shue was talking about song choices for sectionals.

"Thanks for finally joining us Rachel"

"I had homework" she lied. She took a seat in the corner of the room and stared at mr Shue but not really listening. "Is that okay? Rachel"

"Uh what?"

"Repeat of faithfully for sectionals"

"Mr Shue can me and Quinn sing it I think our voices work really well"Finn asked looking at Rachel with a slight longing in his eyes.

"Finn I don't know-"mr shue started knowing about the history of Finn and Rachel and Quinn.

"Are you kidding me Finn?"puck said standing up.

"Dude what's your problem?"Finn shot back.

"Me! My problem is you"he said as Finn stood up."You can't sing that song with Quinn!"

"Why can't i ?"

"Because all the competitions and numbers since New York has been you and Quinn singing"

"That's not my fault"

"Isn't it what about 'I think me and Quinn should do it our voices work really well together'" he said imitating him.

"Your just jealous"

"Of what" he sneered

"Shut up" Rachel screamed loud enough for even New York to hear.

"Thank you Rachel" mr shue said.

She walked towards the door and said "I quit" before leaving.

Everyone just looked around at everyone's shocked faces.

Puck was the first to speak "I quit too, I really thought Rachel was a star obsessed diva but seriously Finn" he walked out and was followed by Kurt, Mercedes, Britney,Santana, Blaine, Artie and Sam.

"Well were screwed"Quinn said sitting down.

Finn couldn't help but think what made Rachel quit because he didn't say anything to offend her. It hit him. The proposal.

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