That moment when you wake up

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He walked down the hallway until he spotted a crying Rachel say on the floor at the end of the hallway.

She looked up at him and he could clearly see the pain in her eyes.

"Why are you crying, Rachel?"

She looked at him with such an incredulous look as tears spilled out of her hazel eyes. "Finn if this is a joke it's not funny" she said standing up.

"No I seriously don't know" he said as a tear came to his eye at seeing her so sad. "We broke up and your with Quinn"

"Why would I do that?" The words stumbled out his mouth before he could stop them.

"Because you can forgive your first love anything, even if she has a baby with your best friend"

"Rach I'm so sorry" he stepped forward to hug her but she was gone.

"Don't go" Finn suddenly yelled out whilst standing up.

"Finn what's wrong?" Mr shue asked. Finn stood up mumbling random things like 'I have to find her' and 'What have I done?'

He walked aimlessly up and down the hallway wondering why that had come to mind and if it had actually happened.

"Finn?" a soft voice asked.

"Rachel" he said running up to her and hugging her like their would be no tomorrow.

He pulled away to see a shocked Rachel but before his mind could cooperate with his mouth, he suddenly leaned forward and attached his lips to hers.

It felt right. It felt good.

Once again he pulled back to see a shocked Rachel. She turned slowly on her heels and ran, she didn't have a thought that wasn't focused on Finn, so it was hard to think about where she was heading.

Finn stood paralysed thinking over what he had done. He had kissed her. 'But she kissed back' he thought grinning.

"Finn?" a week voice asked from behind. "Yes?" he asked turning in the direction of the voice. "Thank you" she whispered looking up through her chestnut hair. "For what?" he asked confused. "Being here"

"In school, oh well I have to be here anyway. It's the law and all" he said shrugging. "Your funny" she said placing a strand behind her ear. "Why are you here? You look like your 8" he said but quickly added "No offence".

"None taken I am quite short. I'm actually ten and I don't know why I'm here but my name is Rachel" after seeing the dreamy look on his face she decided to elaborate "Rachel Barbra Berry" she says proudly.

"Why were you kissing that girl?"

"Because I love her" as he says it he realises that it is actually true. "But what about Quinn?" she prods.

"I really like her but we're just not meant to be"

"Really? Then why are you with her?"

"I honestly don't know. Your a lot like your mother, do you know that?" he laughs slightly at her assertiveness.

"I don't have a mum. I have tow dads that love each other very much" she says with a slight nod of the head.

"Right" he mumbles.

"One more question-"

"One more answer-"

"If you love her and she loves you then why did she run away?"

"I honestly don't know"




"What do you-"


"Stop it"


He was being shaken.

He blinked a couple of times before light hit his eyes. "What on earth.." he mumbled sitting up slightly. "Time for class Finn" Quinn says before sashaying out the room. "Just a dream" he says aloud.

"Great" he mumbles heavy with sarcasm as he walks out he choir room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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