chapter 10 ~ Dream to Reality

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  • Dedicated to whoever is reading my crappy book :P

AN/ Hey guys. CHAPTER 10! Four books in progress and I actually made it to Chapter 10. I'm quite proud of myself if I do say so myself, especially with all the problems going on in my fucked up life. Thanks for you guys that are sticking with me still in this book.


I layed there, my eyes open wide awake, except my body stayed frozen to the warm fabric of the couch cushion. I heard footsteps coming back, and my body relaxed from it's tense position. "Sorry love. All the exits are still blocked off by the snow."

But this voice was different. It was so familiar to my ears by now. The voice was not Irish, but a regular English one. The body sat on the side of the couch with me, bringing away Niall's body shape that was dented in it.

"So... Camille... how have you been doing?" He asked, his voice cocky like it always used to be. I figured I'd ignore him until Niall came back. Wait... why is he here?! It was just me and Niall. "Camille, I asked how you been. Is the storm abit scaring you?" I just looked ahead, bringing my body closer into a little ball. "Don't be such a bitch. You were the one that went to the cops in the first place. If it weren't for you, we could still be together. Your fucking restraining order is what brought us apart." His voice rose louder by each sentence.

"Just leave me alone Spencer. I don't want you by me anymore." I spoke quietly, hoping he had a better chance of not hearing me, but that didn't work.

He stood up, coming closer to my face and placing his hand on my chin, jerking it to face him. He moved his head closer to mine, his breath could be felt close to my ear. "You can't escape me. I love you. Don't push me away."


I woke up with a gasp of breath, leaning forward a bit to let it come in my lungs better. I always hated it when he came into one of my dreams. Too many memories would flood back to me once I woke up. Damn him. You might be wondering who he is, who 'Spencer' is. He's my ex. My first boyfriend and so far, my last one I had. He was wonderful. He had brown hair that came up into what was a small quif, brown eyes, the muscular chest, big, plump pink lips, and anything lower the waist is something I never seen, just before you think anything.

We went out for an entire year, actually just last in 2013. (AN/ IN THE BOOK RIGHT NOW, ITS 2014, AND IN JANUARY.) I'm still 16, but he was 17, so only a year older. He was my neighbor at the time, which was how I met him. He treated me with such respect because he believes in true love, and he thought of me as that one.

But at sometime during September, he started changing. His parents were divorced, money went hard for him and his dad, and they moved away to a cheap one-room motel. We still saw each other, but even his personality changed along with his life. His aggression rose highly, so when something didn't go right, he always went along and picked a fight. He controlled himself when I angered him except once, and that was when everything had to change in his life.

We were hanging at my house, just talking and everything, until my phone buzzed. I realized I had a new message on Facebook by my cousin, who Spencer didn't know of. As I was texting him back, and in the end writing 'Luv u 2', Spencer looked over at the screen and his face reddened immediantly. He snatched the phone out of my hand with force, reading the message.

I texted him back, ' Everything is going to be ok. You can move in as long as you want until things go down at your house. I asked my mom, and she said that that would be fine. It would be nice to have you staying anyway, I bet. Luv u 2.'

Spencer turned into something I have never seen in a human being. He smacked me across the face so hard, I remember how I had a bruise along my jaw for an entire month. He grabbed objects and threw them at me. Glass was broken all over the floor, which I ended up stepping on and ended with a shard at the bottom of my foot. He punched me in the stomach, which made me throw up on my floor. I had to run out of the room and lock him in to call the cops, which took me forever from my bloody foot and hunched over figure.

He was tooken to court, given a restraining over, and whenever he accidentally bumped into me, he would LITERALLY bow on his knee and say sorry. I still have a huge crush on him today, and over the months I forgiven him, but just looking at him made the pain come back. I sworn off guys ever since then, promising to never get too close to where in a relationship. I still miss him, though. I said once that the next time I would ever see him, I would ask to go to a friend's base all over again.

A fresh start for him and me.

Speaking of guys, though. I looked onto the other side of the couch to realize that Niall wasn't even there. I jumped up abit and looked around for a walking figure. Nothing. I stood up, not at all in the mood to be alone, no matter who it was, and went out to find him.

**Niall's P.O.V.**

I looked down at her sleeping figure one more time before I went out to go see what the noise was. It sounded like at first something in the food section, so I followed the scavenging noise toward just that. It's most probably just rats.

I walked a little further until I saw a dark shape standing, looking through the shelves. I guess me and Camille weren't alone this whole time. I started walking up toward him, and he clearly saw me coming when he spoke, not even looking in my direction. "I guess I'm not the only one, suprisingly." His voice was American. And for a second there I was hoping if it could have been Harry.

"Yeah. I guess so. I hadn't seen ya though." I said, questioning him. I could see that he had brown hair, and looked at least 1 or 2 inches shorter than me. He finally turned toward me, pointing toward the back of the store. "You walk in, walk around for a bit, go to take a piss, next thing you know your alone in a crappy Walmart."

I laughed at the comment. He held a hand out, in the other tossing some kind of fat cake at me. "The name's Spencer." I took his hand into mine.



AN/ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I can't even BELIVE THAT I WROTE THAT! I personally say that this came out differnt and into something like a cliffhanger.

REaders are going little for me badly, so if you can help out, I will dedicate you so many times. So what do you think will happen? I wrote this all in one day! 1,256 words and adding the more I type.


LUUVV YA'LL. Plus you look beatiful today because my book is complementing you as you read unti the end.

March 3, 2014

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