chapter 8: Decide Friendship or lover

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In star labs

Iris...wait can we talk said barry

what for barry. I don't want to listen to anyway said iris

Just give me a chance to explain said barry

Fine go ahead said iris

wow really? said barry

(Seriously)...Okay I'm sorry i didnt think you would let me talk so i didnt planned anything other then can we talk. But here goes nothing.  Look I'm sorry that i betrayed you  and hurt you like that said barry

You did hurt me barry and not just me my whole family, your family said iris

i know that i didn't mean that to happen said barry

Just be honest with me. Do you still love me ?Do you love her? You cant play with my feeling. I don't want to be the person who tell you to stop seeing her so we can move on but if i have to i will because i still love you and you do mean a lot to me. I can forget about it only if you do the same said iris

I do love you and i don't know what i feel  for caiitlin. But if this mean your giving me another chance. All forget about her. I promise i wont have anything to do with her only work said barry forcing himself to say that. That when caitlin was coming in and heard everything  but didn't interrupt them at all until he finish.

No..go ahead keep on talking said caitlin as walked away hiding her feeling. he look at iris. Did you now she was listening said barry

No(yes i did as she thought) I didn't know she here said iris lying. 

I need to talk to her at least one last time said barry

No go ahead i understand( Not.. what do you even care if she hurt or not. ) said iris still lying to him.

cait/ julian pov

Later that day. caitlin was crying her eyes out . she couldn't stop crying that when julian came in and saw her. 

Snow what wrong are you okay said julian

Yeah I'm fine it just the mood swings said caitlin lying to him

As he got closer to her for a hug but she move away. Look i now I'm a jerk and everything but not throws you so as he brought back into the hug. You don;t have to do this alone. I told you before if you need me to just talk me to talk or to be your shoulder or just for a hug. i'm here for you...And I'm sorry...

What for...said caitlin

Because he making you crying again and i hate seeing you like this for him said julian

What make you thing it because of him said caitlin

Snow..I know I dont you really well but I know that the only people closer two you is barry and cisco. so I mean you and cisco are good so that means barry..and you cant lie when it come to them said julian

I really cant can i not when it come to them. You do notice me said caitlin

Of course every signal detail about you notice.But listen I know I'm not him and i don't even come any closer of being him in anyway but you know how i feel about you. And i would like you became my girlfriend if you want said julian opening his heart to her. 

Julian do you ready want to be with me. Because I'm broken and having someone else baby and he doesn't even want anything to do with me said caitlin

It doesn't matter if you broken or if your having his baby. I want all of you  that means with baby and all. Just as long as i have you with me said julian as he saw her shock by what he said. snow...what do you thing..

Yes..allbe your girlfriend said caitlin 

Really? as he pick her up and kiss her on the lips ash she kiss him back. as he brought her back down on her feet.

Do you want to eat something said julian

You just said the magic word to my ears right now. Let just get my stuff as she kiss him.

cait and barry pov

Hey...cait said barry as he walk in seeing her getting her stuff.

Dont hey cait me said caitlin

Look sorry that i said that said barry

I get you choose her again but i cant believe you agree with her not seeing me said caitlin

you i could ever dont that said barry

then why did you say it the first place. Just to get back with her. You told her i didnt matter to you said caitlin

You do matter to me...It just said barry

 Just not enough for you to actually love me or leave iris said caitlin

I have to do this. I have to make thing right between iris and I. It doesn't mean i wont help you. I dont want you to do this alone.It still my responsibility said barry  

Who are you...I dont even know anymore. And who said i was alone in this.I don't need your help. What does that means....That when julian came in

Are you coming snow said julian snow walk throws him. Barry it means i with julian now.. so you don't need to be force in help me out. so don't worried of having responsibility. Go be with iris if that what you want or thing it right for you as she left with julian. Leaving barry speechless.

* chapter 8 for me was different then i thought it would come out. Because I wrote 4 different way and i didn't like none. so i decide to write a new version. Hope you guys like. Please comment if you guy want more. Because if feel like i can finish the story with two more chapter or should keep on going. I Still have a lot of different chapter i want to put in. so please comment. thank you for reading.

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