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I make my way out of the door and stumble along still drunk I open the door stumbling into the room where my friends are. I hesitate to wake them up but I eventually do my hands shaking with every movement my legs about to topple down it they get touched hair barely letting you see. It takes forever but your hand touches summers shoulder and then Sophie's they grunt and slowly sit up rubbing their eyes, but when they see you their eyes shoot open and I'm bombarded with questions "what happened"
"Are you ok" the concern on their faces sent tears down my face all over again and I collapse onto the bed. They notice everything and are about to touch me but realize the bruises in the shapes of hand marks on me. I try to speak but my voice is dry and barely makes a noise it hurts so bad. So instead I lead them to the room they notice the blood. They see my face the hand marks my tears and the fact that I can't speak. They notice I flinch at the touch and break down to the floor they've realized what happened. I reach to touch them but they're stone cold, they're frozen with sadness frozen with fear frozen in shock I fall beside them and we stay there silent for a while. Before Sophie tells me not to wash anything off we need it to convict the monster who did this and suggests we go to the police so we take our shaking bodies downstairs walk over the sleeping people. Now we need someone to drive us there at 2 am. We could call my parents but they'd freak out, we can't call Sophie's and Gabriella isn't here I don't want to cause her trouble over me. Noah we can find Noah his sister can drive she's at home so we decide to call her hopefully she's up. Please say she's up I can't deal with something else going wrong right now. So we dial 1 ring two ring 3 ring and she picks up but I can barely get out a word my throat still sore. So summer takes the phone and tells her the address tells her we need help and demands her to come over. She knows something is up cause Summer is never this serious unless she has to be. I feel a faintness fall over me so I sit waiting till she arrives.

Time skip
She's here within 10 minutes probably the fastest you could go she's still in her    Pjs and looks tired. When she says me she asks what  happened but my friends just tell her we will explain on the way there is no time. All this time I sit staring into the distance warm my body may be but cold my soul.
I try to stand but my legs give out and all goes black.

I awake to the sound of people huddled over me but I can see nothing I'm blinded by light. My eyes slowly adjust to this light and I realize  in the hospital. I'm in a room hooked up to tubes yet alive. I see light outside my window it must finally be day I hear birds chirping and car horns honking but then my attention turns towards the people in the room. Doctors and nurses police men and woman my mom and dad and Sophie, Summer, Gabriella and Noah but others had visited. When they realize I'm awake all attentions turn to me. The doctors tell me the police need to ask me some questions if I'm up for it. I try to say ok but all that comes out is a silent whimper. Everyone looks at me with sorrow in their eyes but my stay the same emotionless and cold. Finally the police man speaks up and says we will ask you ones in which you can nod yes or no to ok. I nod yes and await the questions not knowing what really to expect. The doctors and police usher my friends and family out of the room because it's harder for both of us to have them there. They all say they'll be back soon and leave the room silently.

The first policeman said "we will ask a few questions and take it a little at a time for you tap the bed if you want to stop and we'll leave you be for the time being." I nod and await the first questions to come, not knowing how hard it'll be on me and not knowing what the outcome of this whole situation will be. We they get him, will they believe me, what will people say about me I'll have to find out.

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