Chapter 11

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I couldn't bear to be on the hill for much longer; my brothers death followed me ever stronger up here. Just as the arena grew light, I stood up to look across it.

I wandered slowly across the meadow, knowing how dangerous it would be to be seen out here by the likes of Onyx. I wondered where the other tributes where as I entered a bunch of trees that I'd seen Flicker dissapear under two week previously.

It instantly grew dark as the tall trees shaded any light from reaching the sodden soil that squelched under my feet as I walked. I heard the most miniscule sound, from the chirping of birds, to the whispering of the wind as it spun between the trees.

I stopped for a moment, as i heard a rustling and whispers, shutting my eyes to increase my sound sense. When I once again opened my eyes, I saw a glitter of light, followed by a scream and laughter.

I walked slowly towards the source of the scream, all thought leaving me, pulling branches back as I went. I knew that going on like this would be wrong, and every instinct told me to turn around and run as fast as I could, but instead I kept on walking.

I came across a light filled clearing, which amplified all sounds. Basking in the light was a pale girl, who I recognised as Velvet from eight. I leant forwards, looking into her crystal blue eyes, when suddenly her hand grabber my throat and I scream, instantly clapping my hand over my mouth.

The girl started to cough out small shots of blood, before her hand went cold and dropped to her side, a cannon erupting from somewhere in the arena and my heart pounded against my chest.

My hands feel around my neck, and rubbed my hand against my necklace, breathing deeply. I took a set a glasses from the girls hands, recognising them as the ones Albert and I had at the start of the games as the night vision ones.

I unclasped them from her stoney fingers, before backing away, knowing that somewhere beneath these trees Tamarack and Onyx were prowling.

I stumbled across a bush, falling flat on my face. I sat myself back up, pulling a few berries from the stem and holding them up to the non-existent light. Suddenly I felt relieved for tripping over this part of the wood, as my belly rumbled loudly.

I threw the berry into my stomach, before collecting more and putting them carefully in the top of my bag. I was glad Albert and I had attended survival stations, because so far they've come in useful.

I pulled myself under a bush in the usual fashion, covering my legs with dirt and leaves before laying my browning and filthy hair onto the ground, letting out a sigh before laying into a night of nightmares.

I woke the next morning to the sound of the announcers voice, bombing across the stadium. I missed the first few seconds as my hair tangled in the bush, but soon caught onto the gist of what he was saying.

"... now only four tributes remain, and food is scarce for you all, we thought it'd be nice for you to have a sit down and a nice meal together." nice, I snorted. "Come to the cornucopia at the sound of the next canon, and food will be waiting for you. May the odds be ever in your favor."

The microphone buzzed off before I realised what he was getting at. He would give us food when another person died, which meant that in the capitol they were getting bored.

I lay my head down on my pillow, hoping raven found them before they found her. I had my berries; I had no intention of walking into that; it'd be suicide.

I woke up a while later to the sound of voices; keeping my breath held tight. I knew Tamarack and Onyx were paired, but I thought they'd be sticking around the cornucopia, or maybe they'd not gone back since the other day.

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