Chapter 24-I'm back!

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Crystals dad up above

(7 years later)

(Crystal is now 13)

Crystal's pov

So let me catch you up on everything that happened in the past 7 years. Felix and Cass got married and moved into their own house but they still live close to me. Mackenzie got a boyfriend named Jack and they have been going out for 2 years, Joey is still in jail, Dwayne visits me and sometimes babysits me even though I don't need one but he just tells me to think about it as hanging out. Since the whole kidnapping thing my parents have been very protective of me. I can understand why but I wish they would back off a little bit. I am back in school and I am developing a crush on a guy named Leon. He is so cute and attractive. He would never notice me though. I also have two bets friends. There names are Remi and Elva. They are so funny. My life has been going pretty good so far. I hope it stays this way.

I get out off bed and chuck my alarm clock at my wall. Ugh, another day of school. I slump out of bed and fall to the floor. I scoot over to my dresser and pick out my outfit. I am wearing a black sweatshirt that says 'Too glam to give a damn' and I'm wearing black skinny jeans. I honestly don't put much time into my look. As long as I have clothes on I don't really care. I go downstairs and see my mom making breakfast. "Good morning sweetheart!" She says. "Morning mom." I say very tiredly. "Well you can at least sound more excited than that." "Sorry mom, I'm just really tired." I say. I grab a plate and dish up some pancakes and bacon. I get a cup of orange juice and go sit at the table. My dad is reading the newspaper at the table. "Morning dad." I say. "Morning honey, did you sleep well?" He asked. "Ya I slept good." I said as I yawned. Ever since the incident I haven't been able to call him daddy. I think he understands though.

I finish my breakfast and grab my backpack. I kiss my mom and dad on the cheek and head out to school. I get to the bus stop and meet up with Remi. "Hey gorilla!" I said. "Hey peaches!" She says back. We have an inside joke and that's why we call each other that. "You ready for that math test today?" she asked. "Hell no! I didn't study! Not like it matters anyway the teacher doesn't even like me." I said. "He does to! You just don't like the class he teaches!" she says. "Maybe but it still doesn't matter I'm going to fail."

The bus gets here and we get on. Sitting behind us is Ravi. He has a crush on me but I have no feeling for him what so ever. Plus he is a player. I ignore him as he calls my name the whole freaking bus ride! We get to school and I get off the bus as fast as I can. I meet up with Elva and Elva, Remi, and I walk to our first class. Just another normal freaking day.

Joey's pov (uh oh!)

7 years................7 freaking years....................7 FUCKING YEARS SHE TOOL AWAY FROM ME! I need to get out of here. I need to get my life back. I find her. She needs to get what she deserves. I sit in my lonely prison cell drawing on the cement wall with a rock. I have made many friends here. But this one guy in particular I really like. His name is Alfie. He has been here for 14 years. He won't tell me what he got in here for though. But he has contacts and resources that could be of use to me. I was about to go back to sleep when the guard comes and opens my cell.

"Joey graceffa?" He says. "Yes, that's me." "Looks like your sentence is up, your a free man my boy, just try to keep out of trouble aye?" He says. "Yes sir!" I said with excitement. The guard hands me my stuff and tells me to go to the front when I'm ready. I can't believe it! I'm getting out of here sooner that I thought! Which gives me more time to plan my revenge. I need to stay on the low. Make sure no one suspects anything. I change into my clothes and go to the front. The guard opens the gate and I step out a free man. Look out babygirl, daddys' back!

Crystal's pov

I finish school and my friends decided to come over. We get to my house and I see my mom crying and my dad holding her. "What's going on?" I asked. Then Felix walks in from the kitchen. "Crystal sit down, we need to talk." he says. This was scaring me. I told my friends to go to my room and I'll be there in a minute. They head upstairs. I sit down with Felix at the dinner table. "Crystal we need to tell you something that happened today but I need you to stay calm and relaxed okay?" He said. Now I was freaking out inside. "Ya I will" I said. "Joey got released today." He said. I couldn't even respond to that. I just sat there. He kept calling my name but I didn't respond. I kept replaying that sentence in my head. 'Joey got released today'. It can't be true. Will he come after me? No he wouldn't. Or would he? My head was spinning and they last thing I heard was "CRYSTAL!" before I blacked out.

I woke up on the couch and my friends were in the living room with me. They gave me a sympathetic smile. I guess Felix told them everything. Then Remi comes over to me and gives me a hug. They she pulls out a peach and gives it to me. I burst out laughing. She sure knows how to make me smile when I'm down. If only she could keep Joey away from me. What I didn't realize is that Joey wasn't after me, he was after something i love dearly. Something that if he had my life would be over. I just didn't realize he was so close to having it.

Hey guys i hope you liked this! Please comment your thoughts and vote i love hearing feedback

1. What is Joey really after? Is he after Crystal or something else?

2. Where is Joey going to go.

3. Will Joey succeed with his plan

4. Any ideas on what Joey's plan is?

Afrikaans word of the day: Please=asseblief

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