Chapter 15- Psychopath

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Mackenzie's pov

It was the next morning and I headed back over to Crystal's house to tell her family what happened. I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Felix answered the door holding a sleeping Crystal. "Hey Mackenzie come on in!" He said. I walked in and went in the living room. His parents and other brothers were sitting on the couch. I sat by Felix who was holding Crystal. I told them everything. About Joey taking Crystal, about him treating her like a baby, about him trying to make a move on me, and me knocking him out with a pan. Crystal also told them about him beating her and showed them the scars she had. By now her parents were crying. Felix was comforting them. Felix asked me if he could talk to me upstairs. When we got up stairs we went to his room and sat on his bed. "Look, we told the police what happened and they went to Joey's house and he wasn't there. They said we should keep a close eye on you and Crystal just in case he is after you. So in the mean time why don't you stay here in the guest room till they find Joey." He said. I mean I didn't want Joey to find me so why not? "Sure!" I said. "I just need to go to my house and grab my stuff." I said. He nodded. I wen tout to my car and drove to my house.

Joey's pov

I watched Mackenzie pull out of the drive way. She started to drive away and I followed her. I can't let her go after all she has done to me. She ruined my life! When she got to her house I parked by a bush by her house. She got out and headed to her front door. I got out as well. I ran up to her door. As she just opened the door I put my hand over her mouth and dragged her inside. She was screaming. I found a chair and sat her in it and tied her to it. I was holding a gun to her head. I wanted to kill her right then and there. Tears were streaming down her face. I wanted to torture her more. And I knew exactly how. I left her tied to her chair and took a key. I got back in my and drove back to Crystal's house. I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to get Crystal and make her watch her hero die.

Sorry this is short I on vacation and don't have goo d wifi. Comment what you think will happen next. LOve you all bai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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