Chapter one

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    Last time I looked at my watch it was 5:00 and the sun was still beating down relentlessly on my exposed shoulders. Without checking I knew it was getting late, so i spared myself the trouble of digging my ratty old pocket watch from my bag. The darkness embraced me completly now while the moon shone brightly overhead. My feet hurt, my mouth was as dry as these old dirt roads, and the heat was making my hair stick to the back of my neck. The road I had stumbled onto was as narrow as it was curvey leaving me to wonder if I was heading anywhere at all. The thought took me back to the night I decided to leave. I had little time to get my life to fit into a single bag, a bag thats now strapped to my back. One of the hardest parts was picking a single book to bring with me. I have to many favorites to count so choosing the one and only book to accompany me when I left was an excruciating challenge. Just when I thought I would go mad before I actually came to a conclusion a quote rang through my mind making the decision for me "If you don't know where you want to go then it doesn't matter which path you take." -Alice in Wonderland. I had no idea where I was going when i left so I guess it didn't matter which path I took either Alice.
What started off as a few little lightning bugs turned into thousands of fireflies within minutes. A comfort I was thankful for, something about them made me feel safe in this unfamiliar darkness. Pulling my hair off my damp neck I  let the night kiss away some of the heat wondering how long had I been walking. A shiver ran down my spine at thought, however far it was I knew it wasn't far enough so I kept walking. Feeling a little more unnerved than I had a few moments before I picked up my pace. Every little sound made me more and more uneasy and every step made me realize how utterly alone I really was. I didn't have a plan when I left my only thought was I had to get away. There had to be somewhere I could go to escape it all. Someone once told me that running away from your problems was a piss poor way to solve anything. That it would never truly be resolved by abandoning everything and hiding from them. But they didn't know my problems. So how could they know what was right for me? Sure I was uneasy and scared of being alone and the not knowing where or what would become of tomorrow but all in all I could breathe easier because life before this was unbearable. I would take a life of wondering alone on these lonely roads before I would go back to living a life of fear with someone who hated me and hurt me every chance they got. I force my feelings back inside and lock them up tight. Now wasnt the time, I'm sure I had an entire lifetime of flashbacks to look forward too so i let myself forget them for now.. Taking in a refreashing breath, continuing quietly down the road.
The night began to play a symphony ridding away the last of my anxiety. The chirping crickets mixed with the different croaking frogs was beautiful enough but accompanied by the soft babbling of a nearby creek was so enchanting I could feel it softly lulling and caressing my soul. I had an urge to wonder through the woods and drink from the cool water, if it wasnt for the cool summer night's breeze picking up and cooling me off considerably I may have. My long brown hair wasnt as soaked in sweat but my neck was still hot, I wished my hairbow hadn't broken. Kicking a small rock out of my path I realized how odd I would look to the passer by, not that there had been a single person in sight for hours. I had on old cut off shorts with my favorite band tank top that was so faded you could hardly read what it said anymore. My bag hung across my shoulders stuffed to the max and covered in pins and patches I had collected over the years. It used to be my uncles army bag but I'm sure he never even noticed it was gone, it smelled musky like wet earth. My vans where torn and now a dirt covered light blue thanks to how dry it was. Now was as good a time as any to sit and take a few drinks of what little water I had left. 15 minutes later and I was back on my feet and truding on. According to my watch that I dug out of my bag I had walked another 5 hours since I last had checked and I was starting to worry I was never going to find a town when I saw a faint glow a few miles up. Clinging to the hope that I finally found civilization I picked up my pace. I was starting to think this road led to know where.
Welcome to Godwind Wood. This tiny town looked like something out of a story book or old movie. Its old buildings still had antique looking signs that hung outside its doors and the streets were lit by lamps. Like actual lamps! Flowers and trees littered the entire area while soft music played from a small pub that looked at least 100 years old. It was beautiful. There was no buzz of traffic and there were no homeless people sleeping on the benches and something about the place seemed to welcome even me.. the.. well, homeless stranger. I told myself I would find somewhere small to hide myself away and sleep till morning so i could explore more in the morning. I stopped and sat by a fountain in the middle of the town and just gazed up at the stars allowing myself to just relax and take it all in. I was so far from where I came from I could afford a little rest. I've been trying hard to dispel the negative thoughts creeping into my mind and this place was exactly what I needed to stumble upon. I kicked my shoes off and let my feet rest in the cool water. I could almost feel the stress lift off of me and float away in the breeze, being carried away through the trees and getting lost in the stars. Before I knew it a huge smile spread across my face. So here I sat, a barefoot stranger all alone in a fairytale town, smiling at absolutely nothing and enjoying every second of my newfound freedom. That was until someone cleared their throat and I nearly jumped out of my skin.
I was so startled I knocked my bag into the fountain; I grabbed it as fast as I could and cursed under my breath. Now everything I owned was soaked. I looked up to see who it was that wreaked havoc on my peaceful moment and my breath caught mid scowl. There stood a tall dark haired guy in skinny jeans and an buttoned faded flannel over a black shirt with glasses and messy hair. He had a goofy ass smile playing on his lips and he was absolutly  was gorgeous. I was going to say something sarcastic but I couldnt remember how to articulate a single word. Instead I just stared at him till he laughed and pointed toward my feet saying "Don't let old man Whicker catch you polluting up his fountain with your sweaty feet, he will have you arrested and taken away before you can even get your shoes back on." The same smirk playing on his face as he took in my old dirty toms, and soaked bag. I suddenly remembered my voice and swung my feet out of the fountain forcing them back into my shoes. "Well he would have to catch me first and I am pretty fast. But thanks for the warning, no more sweaty aching feet in the fountain." I turned and picked up my bag not looking directly at him afraid I would get lost staring at him again. "I hope nothing in your bag got ruined. I didn't mean to startle you. It's just I know almost everyone in this town and I have never seen you before. Where are you from?" The sencirity in his voice caused me to turn. He leaned against a lamp post and put his hands in his pockets waiting for me to answer. "You know 'almost' everyone so how do you know I'm not from here and you have just never noticed me, or maybe I'm from right up the road?" I said matter of factly. He took his hands out of his pockets and walked right up to me. Standing close enough now that I could smell him, the woods mixed with citrus. He smelled like summer. I was a little taken aback by it but couldn't step back without falling into the fountain so I stood my ground and stared up at him. "There is no "right up the road" from here. If you hadn't noticed yet we are kind of in the middle of know where and off the map. Also I could never overlook or not notice someone like you." He stepped back running his hand through his hair and looked like he was trying to clear his head. He seemed almost as surprised by our sudden closeness as I was. "I'm Aeon Wolfe ." He stretched out his hand to shake mine. I slid my hand into his and it was warm and soft but strong. "Lacy Delvay"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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