"It's You."

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(Wolfs Pov)

Ever since that day mine and Apollo's relationship hasn't been the best.
There's been days were he won't even come home or he'll completely ignore me while were on assignments. Our work hasn't been getting any easily either, EXO recently came out with Exodus and now our days have been packed. Interview, photoshoots, and then there's the award shows and performances. Running from one place to another, shit I sometimes feel like I'm apart of their staff than their bodyguard.
Also... Me and Chanyeol's relationship is better surprisingly.
After that incident was explained clearly i was able to get on their good side again. I know that they don't fully trust me, but during these days we started getting to know each other and our friendship sorta just grew from there. I also made a strong connection with Junmyeon and Lay, it got to a point were I was even able to break out of my comfort zone and be a little bit wacky with them. Chanyeol still talks about me... well about Ally.
It's hard. Trying to keep myself quiet from yelling out the truth.

"You know, you strangely remind me so much of her."
Chanyeol says as he stared at me for a moment; We were currently in the the dance studio rehearsing for their big concert tomorrow. Everyone else went out to get food and drinks while we stayed behind. "That girl right?" I asked trying to keep my voice as stable as i possibly could. If it wasn't for my mask hiding half my face, my expression alone would've been a dead giveaway. "Yeah. I don't know why, but you remind me so much of her. Your hair, laugh, even your voice... is similar." He says as he gets up from the floor and walks closer to me.
"I've always wondered... Since the first time i met you." He said as he slowly whispered in my ear. "What do you look like without that fucken mask." My eyes widened as he continued to whisper. "Honestly, there's times were I just wanna rip that thing off your face." He said it in such a low and sultry voice my heart began racing, my thoughts slowly driving me insane. "Why? Why do I keep thinking of you?"

"Chanyeol I -"
My breath hitched when I felt his arm snake around my waist pulling me closer to him. The tension in the room was almost suffocating, sultry thoughts flooded my mind and I found myself inching closer towards him. In that moment I didn't care about the outcome of my actions, I only wanted him. Our faces moved slowly towards one another, and his hand slowly reached for my mask.
"Wolf we're back!"
I instantly pushed him away as I came back to reality and went to greet them hastily. "Hey! What did you guys buy?" I said trying to make conversation to ignore the endless thoughts running through my mind. I almost exposed myself! You stupid bitch! "Hey mom?" Jackson whispered to me, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah sweetheart, Everything's great."

*The Next Day*

"Rise and shine assholes!"

Cobra yelled while banging on each of our doors waking us up, I turned towards my table and grabbed my phone to check the time. "It's fucken 4 in the morning!" I said to myself, groaning while trying to go back to sleep. As I was just about to do so, fucken Cobra ran into my room and started jumping on my bed while whining about his fat ass being hungry and wanting food.
I screamed at him, pushing him off my bed making him kiss the floor. "This is what I get for being the only fucken girl huh?" I mumbled annoyingly while getting my lazy ass up to cook. As I walked out my room I ran into Phoenix who was rubbing his eyes still sleepy. "Hey mom, when's breakfast?" He said then yawned still tired, I would be too if I stay up all night playing fucken video games. "I'm going, I'm going. Get dressed we're heading out." I said grumpy while walking down the stairs to the kitchen. I pulled my hair up and out of my face, grabbed all of the ingredients I needed to make pancakes along with some coffee, bacon, eggs, oatmeal, and toast.

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