Chapter 7

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"Okay, Ana your up first which movie do you want to watch?"Mia ask as we sit on the couch with our pizza. We are having a movie sleepover bachelorette party. Before leaving Elliot and Carrick rearrange the furniture so we could layout our sleeping bags and have a real sleepover. She went all out with streamers, balloons, and matching pajamas that say our rolls in the wedding. I love it!!

"Lets go old school and watch The Harvey Girls.." Natalie whine after hearing my suggestion. She knows how obsessed I was with that movie as a child. It's a 1940's movie staring Judy Garland that revolves around a young lady working as a saloon girl in the West. My grandma and I watched it whenever I spent time with her.

Mia and I sit next to each other while munching on cheese pizza and drinking orange juice. After we're done eating we snuggle under the blankets and start to watch Halloween. Through the night we switched between horror movies and lovey dovey movies. Mary and I have gotten a lot closer over the last few months. She has been amazing with pregnancy advice also she and Elliot are trying to make it work. I haven't seen Kate in over a month. Mary, Mia and I were out getting lunch after a dress fitting and she approached us. At first, she was polite to us until Mary came back from the bathroom. It didn't go well because even though Kate is 22 years old she still acts like a 5 year old whose toy was stolen. It ended with Mary smacking Kate across the face and Sawyer dragging Kate out.

"Ana.. aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaa" I try not to laugh as Mia tickles my neck trying to wake me up.

"I see you smiling. It's time to get up because in three hours you and I become sisters for real!!" She squeals only to be yelled at by Grace who I guess was still sleeping.

It's less than 30 minutes before our wedding and I can't wait to see my man. I look up and see my daddy walk into the room.

"Baby girl, you look gorgeous. I am so lucky to be your father."

"You look great dad. You clean up nice."

"Ana, I am so proud to call you my daughter. When you were younger I always knew you were special and you deserved to marry someone just as special. That man is Christian. They way you both look at each other with such pure love. I am so unbelievably happy for you both. I can't wait to see you be a mother and to meet my first grandbaby. Thank you for being my baby girl." I try hard not to cry but it doesn't work.

"You are the most amazing father a girl can ask for. I always grew up knowing that if I found a man similar to you I would be happy for life. Thank you for always being there and showing me unconditional love. I love you daddy." We hug before Mary drags me away for makeup touchup.

"Dad, promise me you won't let me fall." He nods and we begin are walk to my future.

I look up to see Christian looking at me and everyone else disappears. The love I feel for him is indescribable but it fills every part of my soul. He is my other half and life without him isn't worth living.


"Chill man, your gonna burn a hole in the floor with all that pacing your doing." Elliot jokes. We are about to head out for the start of my wedding ceremony and I am freaking out.

"What if I mess up my vows? I need for this to be perfect because Ana deserves perfect."

"The love you two share is what makes this day perfect. Not the decorations, vows or family being perfect, just you two.. Don't worry, plus it's time to go." He smacks by back and we head out of the guest house towards the ceremony location.

We're getting married in my grandmothers rose garden right under the pergola Elliot and I build them one Christmas. There are blush pink silk curtains wrapped around each pole of the pergola with white roses in the middle. The seats also have blush pink ribbons plus there are roses in each bow.

I nod at the guest and shake our officials hand before taking my place to wait for my bride.

It seems to take forever for everyone to walk down the aisle. First it's my grandparents, then my parents followed by Natalie and Mary both dressed in blush pink bridesmaid dresses. I was surprised but so proud when Ana asked Mia to be her maid of honor. Before Ana's accident Mia and her were both best friends and it affected Mia a lot when Ana didn't remember that but over the last year or so there friendship returned back to the closeness. Mia called me crying and I thought something had happened to her but she just went on and on about Ana asking her to be her MOH. It took almost an hour to get her off the phone.

I hear ooh and aah's and look up to see Mia escorting our cousins daughter Britney and Elliot's son Emery down the aisle. Britney is carefully placing one red petal down at a time. They look so adorable and It makes me think about our little baby.

"Finally" I sigh when the music changes and my angel appears in the doorway with her father.

Ana is walking towards me in a gorgeous long sleeve lace wedding dress. Her hair is down with loose curls. Her veil is the length of her train and she looks like the most beautiful person that has ever existed. The icing on top is that her bump is noticeable. I can't wait to see pictures.

"You look like an angel. I love you so much." I whisper as I take her hand.

"You look pretty hot yourself." She smirks at me before blushing realizing her dad still standing with us.

"Take care of my girl and grandbaby." I nod and then shake his hand before he kisses Ana and takes his seat.

"I'm not sure love is the right word to describe the way I feel about you. You are everything to me. My life would mean nothing if you weren't living it with me. Home is where you are. I can't thank you enough for loving me and giving us a family and I will live the rest of my life aspiring to make you as happy and feel as loved as you make me feel everyday. I love you so much, Ana." I blow out a breath. I made it through without screwing up. I look into Ana's eyes and all I see is love in her eyes.

"Life is made up of decision whether they are good or bad you have to make them. I can't not imagine making a better decision then spending my life with you. When we first me.." She stops and that when I see it my worst fear happening in front of me. Her eyes roll back in her head and she starts to fall. 

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