Chapter 8

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"Life is made up of decision whether they are good or bad you have to make them. I cannot imagine making a better decision then spending my life with you. When we first me.." She stops and that when I see it my worst fear happening in front of me. Her eyes roll back in her head and she starts to fall.


"NOOOOOOOO" I grab her and lay her down softly while repeating her name over and over again. My mom runs up to us and starts looking over Ana. I breath a sign of relief when she starts fluttering her eyes.

"Chris?" Ana says as she slowly opens her eyes.

"Yes, baby it's me. Are you okay?" She smiles at me before lifting her hand and wiping the tears I didn't know were falling off my cheek.

"I'm perfect. I remember." I look at her and she nods. I take her face in my hands

"What did you say?" I plead with her with my eyes to tell me

"I remember everything. Our first date, first kiss, anything and everything about our life together."

"Oh baby. I thought something bad happened. Is the baby okay?" She nods before placing my hand on her bump.

"We are both fine." She looks around

"Oh my god. Can you help me up?" I look at my mom who nods so I stand up and lift my girl off the ground.

"Let me get rid of the people and we can go to the hospital and get you checked out." I whisper into her ear

"No, I want to get married. I promise you that I'm fine. Once the reception is over we can go to the hospital but not before. Please, I want to marry you." I kiss her and nod before we get back into position I ask mom what she thinks and she says that as long as Ana feels fine the hospital visit can wait for a few hours.

"Sorry for the hold up, let's get married!" She squeals as she straightens her dress.

"Ok, where was I??? When we first met I was instantly attracted to you. I never told you this but every time I throw a coin in the wishing well, wished on a star or blow out my birthday candles my one and only wish is for us to live happy together for life. The best moment of my college life was you asking me out. It was like all my dreams came true and when you said those three magical words. I never knew was true love was until you. I love you so much and I know life is only going to get better for us. Thank you for not giving up on me while having memory loss. You are and will always be the love of my life. Thank you for choosing me to be your friend, girlfriend, wife and soon to be baby mama. The life you've given me is so much better than any fairy tale. I love you." Finally the official says those magical words

"You may now kiss your bride. It's my honor to introduce Mr. & Mrs. Christian Grey!" I kiss Ana with all the love and commitment I feel for her.

"We're married!" We says to our guest.

The reception is amazing. It's decorated simple but elegant. There are twinkle light dangling above us. The table covers are blush pink while the table servings are cream white. My favorite part is the enlarged engagement we are using as our guest book. Most guest are signing the mat around it with words of encouragement but not my brother. He put "enjoy your jail time". He's a asshat..

5 Months Later

"You can do it, baby. Our son will be here soon." I kiss her cheek as she tries to breath through another contraction. She went into labor almost 17 hours ago and we are finally about to meet our son. The last 5 months have been amazing. We spent three weeks at St. Regis Bora Bora Resort. We stayed in a hut on the water. Although we spent at least 50 percent of our time in bed, we had an amazing time swimming and snorkeling. We had a hut to ourselves and Taylor, Gail and Sofia had one to themselves. GEH has become extremely well known but thankfully here in Bora Bora we are just tourist and no one cares about us but Taylor didn't want to risk it. Ana mentioned that Taylor and Gail haven't had a true vacation in almost 5 years so we decided to invite all of them. We only really saw them when we went out to get dinner but the rest of the time we spent all alone.

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