Shes a keeper

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Brendon's POV

It was the first day of school and I was nervous, but I knew that nothing bad was going to happen. Last night I had a dream that I was with the girl of my dreams. She was gorgeous. Althogh I couldn't see her face I could tell she was pretty. Then we were standing on a cliff and she fell and I tried to grab her but something kept pulling her down. Then my brother, Dallon was holding her in his arms bridaly style.Then I woke up in a hot sweat. Also when I woke up Dallon was standing over me and he was dressed in my clothes. He said" Wakie Wakie asshole". I knew it wasn't a dream then. After he left I was on the floor thinking about the girl in my dreams. Wondering if I will meet her today.

When I get to the bus I see my best friend Haley she is crazy, but she is the nicest person ever. She asks me has Dallon asked about her lately and I said " No I never listening to the dick of the century, why?" She said" He texted me 5 times asking me out". We both rolled our eyes.She told me how her summer went and got a tattoo of a butterfly on her shoulder. It was dark blue and the wings were purple.It looked awsome. Then we matched schedules and we didn't have a single class together. I felt sad because this means that I won't get to sit with any of my friends. Sure Ryan is in one of my classes but Spencer is in there but there a couple. Just then I got a text from Ryan saying that he met a new girl and that I should get to know her. He said that I have a classes with her. Ever since he told me he was gay he has been trying to hook me up with girls so I just replied with eyes rolling sticker. As we got to the cafeteria I said good bye to Haley and we went our Seperate ways.

I got in the classroom and I just sat down and put my hoodie over my head because I don't really talk to anyone unless it's Ryan, Spencer, or Haley. Ryan walks in and he's with that girl. I don't really wanna look at her or Ruan because Ryan will give me that face like" This is the one". So I just keep my head down. Then I hear her call roll and I say "Here". Then I hear the teacher mess up on a name. Then I hear a thud and I hear Ryan say" It's Zamora". Then the teacher gives us a project and partners. I'm just thinking kill me now. She assigns me to be partners with the Zamora girl. So I wait a couple of minutes to see if she's going to talk or I can stay quiet. I'm hopeing I can just stay quiet but no. She taps me on the shoulder. I don't wanna be mean to her because everyone is giving her a ruff time. So I talk to her. Her voice sounds sweet. So I lift up my hoodie and I was shocked. She was the most beautiful girl in the world, no in the universe.Then it hit me like a ton of bricks she was the girl in my dreams. I'm am not letting anyone steal her from me.

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