Chapter 2

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Jackson's POV

'Or maybe not. Sorry, I guess I might have mistaken you for someone else.'

I breathe a sigh of relief and relaxed into the chair.

'So what about you? What do you do for a living anyway?' She continued.

Too soon. I felt nervous again. Should I tell her ? Would she look at me differently if I did? Didn't I always say that I wanted to be treated like any other person? But then again, my instincts were telling me that I could trust her so I decided to go with the truth.

'I'm a singer or more specifically, a rapper for jyp entertainment.' I blurted out the whole sentence quickly in a single breath.

'Cool. Must be exciting.' She replied without looking up from her notebook as she continued with her sketching.
Well that wasn't what I expected. I thought she would react differently but I guess the revelation didn't really affect her the slightest.

'What is jyp entertainment though?' I couldn't help it and I burst out laughing.
'Ay. You are one funny girl.'

She looked up at me and blinked innocently, her head slightly tilted to the side with a confused look on her face, 'I don't mean to sound ignorant but I just moved here about six months ago so I'm pretty much new to the place.'

'Well, do you want to know something funny and interesting?' I leaned over the table and whispered.

'What?' She asked.

'I still don't know your name and I haven't introduced myself properly either.' I replied, and couldn't help laughing at her confused expression. 'I'm Jackson Wang, wild and sexy, they call me!' I pointed a finger at myself, giving her a goofy grin as I extended my other hand out.

I could see she was smiling back from the crinkles at the corner of her eyes as she took my hand and shook it. 'Riannon Taylor, just plain Riannon.'

'Pleased to meet you plain Riannon.' At this she smacked my hand but laughed at my comment anyways.

'Oww! You hit pretty hard for a girl!' I was rubbing my now red hand trying to soothe the stinging sensation and stuck my tongue out at her. She only smiled and shrugged it off. This girl really doesn't talk much but the silence didn't feel awkward at all. A part of me wanted to know more about her.

'How do you like Seoul so far?'

'It's pretty great. The people here are really friendly and helpful despite the language barrier sometimes, but I'm gradually learning.'

'Me too. Since I'm from Hong kong, I'm not that fluent either but I'm getting better.'

As another song came on, I could hear people from the other corner of the shop shouting the lyrics along with it, a few of them got up from their seats and gathered on the small space in the middle of the room to dance. My ears perked up and I was filled with excitement when I heard one of my close friends' track through the speakers, 'Not today.' My heart swelled up with pride when I saw the amount of love they were receiving.

As I turned to her, she was also shifting a bit from side to side in her seat while still sketching. Why did I find every little she did cute? I smiled before poking her.

'Come on! Let's go join!'

'Huh?' She looked up from her her book, as I pointed to the small group of people jamming to the song.

'What? No way!' she replied, shooting me one of the 'Are you crazy?' looks.


'I don't dance.' She said simply.

'You will!'

'No I won't .'

'You will!'

'Come on!' I stood up and took her by the arm and pulled her out of her seat.
'It won't hurt. Don't be shy!'

We were joining the crowd and I started dancing, throwing a few stupid moves here and there for the fun of it. I glanced over at her and she looked hesitant for a bit but started awkwardly joining in to the beat as well. She looked really adorable doing so.

'Loosen up a bit. You look like a darn robot!' I shouted at her over the music.
That only earned me a glare, a flick on the forehead and I bet she had an evil smile under that mask as well after the brief look of pain on my face.

We danced till the song ended a few minutes later and let's just say, to put it simply, it was so amusing watching her.

'Killer moves plain riannon!' I managed to utter in between my laughter as I imitated a robot while we made our way back to our seats.

'Yeah. Yeah. I hope you had fun at my expense.' She replied, pretending to sound mad but she was smiling as well.

'I guess I should be leaving. I have another assignment back home. But I had fun though.'

'Yeah so did I.' I grinned at her.

She gathered up her things, arranging them inside her bag before pulling the straps over her shoulder.
'Well I'll see you around mister.' She turned and waved at me.

I thought about it for a split second and shouted back, 'Hey, you wanna have coffee or whatever again tomorrow, same time?'

'Sure. See you then!' She gave me another wave before heading for the door.

I still had a stupid grin on my face. And I strangely felt all warm and fuzzy inside. I leaned against my seat and stared at the darkened sky through the windows and wondered when was the last time I actually had fun and enjoyed myself. I guess I was tired of all the pretending and it felt nice to be around company where I could just be me.

Mama Ailee came by shortly and we spoke for a bit before I had to leave. It was already quite late and definitely way past curfew.

Darn rules.

But it was all worth it. As I made my way back to the dorm, I couldn't help smiling and wishing for the next day to come sooner.

A regular gif at the end of every chapter ;) Thank you for reading.

A regular gif at the end of every chapter ;) Thank you for reading

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