Chapter 21

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Riannon's POV

Jinyoung kept a firm grip on my arm, never letting me go even for a second as we made our way through the mass. He stopped from time to time to greet people politely as they approached him. A few curious ones boldly spoke to me as well and asked questions but he somehow always managed to steer their attention off me because he knew I'd feel uncomfortable and I'm glad he understood me so well.

We were standing at the bar area, looking for a pair of non alcoholic beverages and Jinyoung ordered a Arnold Palmer while I took a simple Citrus soda. As we both stood there sipping our drinks, I couldn't help noticing the constant stares we were receiving from everyone around us and I recognised a few dirty looks here and there from a few women as well, making me feel a little uneasy as I tried my best to ignore them. They didn't even try to make it subtle as they passed foul comments my way.

As if sensing what I was feeling or maybe he noticed them too, Jinyoung stepped a bit closer, maybe too close and he wrapped one arm around my waist as he brought his lips closer to my ears.

'Don't let them get the best of you. You are better than anyone else, so remember what I told you earlier, keep your chin up. Everyone is looking because you are the most beautiful woman they've ever laid eyes on. Everyone is talking because they cannot accept that. So listen only to my words because I will never lie to you,' He whispered softly making an involuntary shiver run down my spine as he ran his hand across the bare skin on my back. He retreated a little, finally enabling me to breathe again as I seemed to have forgotten how to just a while ago.

I was at a complete loss for words and all I could do was send him a nervous smile. But he was right about one thing, I shouldn't let anyone get the best of me. His words somehow calmed my mind and I felt more relaxed as we continued talking. Halfway, someone interrupted our conversation and I almost choked on my drink when I realised that it was none other that the CEO of JYP himself.

'Jinyoung, glad to see you at least present for this dinner. I was afraid you would have cancelled again or ran away with another excuse.' He came forward and patted his shoulder before his gaze drifted towards me. 'My, and who might this beautiful lady be?'

'This is Riannon. My..close companion.'

'Well it's always a pleasure to meet a friend of Jinyoung's. It's high time this boy found someone. He's always wandering off on his own, maybe now he'll stay put with you around.' He shook my hand and gave me a warm smile, his statement making me feel awkward and I didn't know how to correct him, to let him know that we were just friends. He looked over at Jinyoung again before he spoke, 'By the way, there are a few people I'd like you to meet. They are a few good friends of mine from other companies. You might know them. Maybe you'd be interested to work with them later, it'll be a good experience for you too.'

'Alright. That sounds like a good opportunity. Lead the way sir.'

'Great. Right this way! You know, we couldn't stop talking about your performance in Italy. It was magnificent. They wanted to immediately sign you up for a collaboration project with their artists, the moment they laid eyes on you. And you probably will have many offers for a few movie roles as well. Believe me, they were so captivated by your charming visuals.' The CEO kept rambling on as he walked ahead of us.

Jinyoung looked at me and smiled as we followed after him, his arm linked around mine, 'You don't mind right? It won't take long.'

'Of course not. It's part of your work after all. It's important.'

'We can leave after a while, and maybe go have some hot waffles and ice cream. Sounds good?' I laughed at his suggestion and nodded my head. My smile faded instantly though when I spotted where the CEO was headed. A group of people were standing by the snack table and all I wanted was to turn back the way I came but it was too late, we were already in front of them. Standing next to four men and their wives,all of whom I didn't recognise were Jackson,Jiyeon,Yugyeom and the rest of the four guys of the band I saw the other time at the concert. This wouldn't turn out well. Yugyeom gave me a smile and I could feel Jackson's eyes on me but I averted mine away from his and focused on the people who were now talking to Jinyoung.

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