Chapter 4

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Jackson's POV

We had an amazing time the previous evening. I guess I shouldn't have over done it with the constant screaming but I got a little bit carried away like I always do when I'm having too much fun. I woke up with a sore throat in the morning and narrowly escaped a long lecture from Jaebum for being irresponsible since our concert was due in the next two days.

And as for Riannon, I think she was more at ease after watching me make a fool out of myself. Whenever we played an English song, we both shouted at the top of lungs like two crazy idiots, without any care in the world.

As memories of last night kept replaying in my head, I couldn't wait to spend time with her again. I looked up at the bright sky and thought that it would have been the perfect weather to take her out to Lotte world. I smiled, knowing that she would love the place. But unfortunately, I had rehearsals at the concert venue since morning and it would probably go on till late in the evening. I frowned realising I wouldn't be able to see her for the whole day. Maybe I could just call her. Oh wait..

Damn it! I smacked my forehead, amazed at my own stupidity. After all this time, I didn't have the brains to at least ask for her number. I decided to keep that in mind so that I could ask her the next time I met her.

'Helloooo!! Earth to Jackson!'

A voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked over at the person who was calling out to me. It was my team member, Mark.

'Oh yeah. You were saying?' I asked, not entirely sure for how long he was standing there beside him.

'You weren't listening to any of the instructions that were laid out were you?'

I smiled at him sheepishly. 'Heh. Errm, temporary hearing problem?'

He hit me hard with the pile of papers he had in his hand and placed the other on his hips in annoyance as he glared at me.

'Ouch! What is up with everybody hitting me? You know, if you want a piece of me Markie-poo, Just say so.' I started teasing him, giving him kissy faces.

'Oh Stop it!' But a smile creeped up his face, failing as always, when he tried to pretend to be mad.

'What's up with you lately? You're so distracted these days? And you hardly hang out with us anymore after practice.' He asked me curiously, changing the subject.

'I've just been busy. That's all.' I looked away, trying to avoid the topic.

'Busy with what?'

'Okay ..mayybee.. not busy..Just hanging out on my own. You know, to relieve stress. Stuff like that.' I started to walk away, trying to dodge the question.

'Oh don't give me that nonsense! Spill it Jackson!' He was now grinning from ear to ear.

'It's really nothing!!' I really didn't want anyone to know about Riannon though I wasn't really sure why. I mean I knew we were just friends. So, there wasn't really anything to tell anyways, was there? And that feeling inside is just because I cared for her as any other friend wasn't it? It couldn't possibly be more. My mind was going on an overdrive again as old memories flitted through my head. My heart felt that familiar squeeze as the thoughts brought back that aching feeling and it made me unsure if I was ready for anything yet. If I thought of what happened in the past, I don't think I ever would be.

'You're day dreaming again Jackson! So who is it? ' Mark asked as he snapped his fingers in front of me.

'Who is what?'

'Who have you been secretly meeting?' Looking at me suggestively and still grinning.

'Oh! What's this I hear?? Jackson! You've been hiding someone from us?' Another loud obnoxious voice interrupted our conversation.

I groaned. It was Bambam.
I'd never hear the end of this now.

'Oooh Jackson has a girfriend! Jackson has a girlfriend!!' Bam bam started chanting and dancing around me.

I ran my palm over my face, and was about to grab the collar of the back his shirt but he ran away quickly like the swift little annoying monkey he was.

'Got7 come on stage!' The manager yells.

Thank goodness! I was saved at the right time but Mark gave me a look, letting me know it wasn't over as he walked over to the main stage.

3 hours later,rehearsals finally ended and my body was thoroughly exhausted.
All I wanted was to go to my soft bed and get some sleep. I was so relieved that they didn't pester me with their questions anymore after returning back to the dorm. I wouldn't have had any excuse if Jaebum took over the interrogation. He was one scary cookie if he wanted to be.

But as I laid in bed, I couldn't really stop thinking about Riannon. Even as I drifted off to sleep, she invaded my thoughts. Did I like her like that? I mean I just met her. Maybe I was just overthinking again. It couldn't be anything more, right?

I'm sorry it's pretty short. But i'll be working on the next chapter soon! Thank you for reading!
A gif to make up for it >-<

 But i'll be working on the next chapter soon! Thank you for reading! A gif to make up for it >-<

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A Little Bit Of Normal - Jackson Wang Fanfic [Completed](Got7)Where stories live. Discover now