Chapter 2

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My heart is pounding as I'm driving to the hospital. I hope Nick isn't too badly hurt, I still care about him so much and I'd drop everything to be by his side. I pull up at the hospital next to Madison's car and practically run to the reception desk. "Hi, I'm here for Nicholas Clark" I say almost out of breath. The lady clicks around on the computer for a few moments. "2nd floor, room 202" She smiles at me. "Thanks".

I get to the second floor and go searching for room 202. "Hey Olivia, over here!" I hear someone calling out to me, I search around for the voice and find Madison waving her arm in the air. I quickly walk over to her. "Hey Maddie, is Nick okay?" I ask giving her a hug. "He's fine, he really wants to see you though" Madison says pointing to the door that says 202. I take a deep breath and walk to the door, I slowly open it to see Nick in the bed all bruised. My eyes start to tear as I walk up to him, being careful because he looks like he's sleeping. I run my hand slowly down his cheek as he grumbles a bit. "Hey, Nick, wake up sweetie" I gently whisper as he cracks his eyes open slightly. "Olivia? Hey beautiful!" He smiles taking my hand in his own and intwining our fingers. "Are you okay?" I ask as Nick pulls me to sit on the bed next to him. "Yeah, I just have a broken rib and a few bruises, nothing to worry about" He says casually. "But I do worry about you Nick!" I confess looking at the ground. He gently pulls my chin up until I'm looking into his gorgeous dark brown eyes. " I know you do sweetheart, that's why I'm going to get clean, for you!...... I promise" As soon as he said that a smile instantly broke out on my face. He extends his pinky finger out to me as I take it in my own. "I Nicholas Clark, Promise you Olivia Watson that I am going to get off drugs no matter what! You are so much more important to me than getting high and I want you in my life forever, I love you so much baby!" As he finishes his little speech a few tears start falling. "Aw baby don't cry! I love you too, very much so" I wipe away his tears and pull him in for a long passionate kiss. When we pull back I notice that Madison is now in the room. "Well I guess I better go home now, I need a hot shower" I mumble as I back out of the room. "I'll come and see you tomorrow okay? I promise" Nick smiles as I say that "Okay beautiful, can't wait" Nick says while blowing me a kiss, I catch it and we both chuckle. "Bye Madison" I wave and she smiles at me and waves back as I slowly leave the room. I head to my car and begin my journey home to have my much anticipated shower.

** hellooooo :) hope you guys are liking it so far!! Gimme some feedback :)))
Hopefully the chapters are gonna get longer! I'll definitely try my best!! :)
Love ya :*

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