3 - A Small Problem

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Bold = Authors note

Your heart beat and breathing increased as your eyes shot open. Feeling an ache in your back, you yawned and scratched your neck not taking notice of the unfamiliar surroundings since your eyes were closed. That was, until you felt someone breathing on your face. You slowly opened your eyes once again, only to be greeted by an upside down face, beaming with excitement. "GAH!" You yelped, rolling onto the floor accidentally.

Examining the area from the floor, you, previously, seemed to be laying on a couch with Matt leaning towards your face. Now, he was staring at you as you lay on the floor, groaning in pain. "Matt! What did we tell you about startling people!?" You heard a voice say. Everything started to become clear now. "Oh." You said to yourself, realising what had happened. "You ok (Y/N)?" You heard a voice say, assuming it was Tom. "Yep I think so." You wheezed as you stood up, straightening your aching back.

As you settled back down onto the couch, Edd sat down next to you. "Sorry for dragging you along with us, we couldn't leave you passed out at the diner." He said. You looked at him with a slight smile. "Sorry, my name's Edd." He greeted, retrieving his hand out of his pocket for you to shake. You shook it gladly, before slouching back onto the couch. "Crap!" You gasped. "I am so sorry! You brought me to your house!?" You panic. "Yes." Edd stated. "B-B-But, I need to get back. My parents will kill me!" You fretted. "Awe, so you have to go!?" Matt whined. "I'm afraid so. How far is the shopping centre you guys were at before?" You ask, still panicking. "Uhm, about half an hour." Edd stated. "What." You say, wide eyed. "Via car." He finished. "WHAT?" You yell, starting to hyperventilate. You looked out the window, seeing it was day time and you slept over, unmeaningly. Your eyes darted to the nearest clock in the room, then realising there was none. You rip out your phone, then realising.

There was no phone.

"I MUST'VE LEFT IT AT THE DINER!" You yell, piercing everyone's ear drums.

"I'll drive you there if you need me to!" Edd suggested. "Yes please, thank you ever so much!" You said, ever so grateful. "Can I come!?" Matt yells, almost as loud as you. "Sure I guess." Edd says, turning around, seeing you had already left for the garage. "Tom, you watch the house!" Edd ordered, grabbing the keys and leaving. Tom nodded and waved, before going upstairs.

You were about to sit in the passenger seat when suddenly you felt something tap your shoulder. Like any other human being, you turn around inspecting what it is. You saw Matt's brightly lit face and rosy cheeks. "Wanna sit with me in the back?" He said, calmer than usual. Feeling a little concerned but not wanting to say no, you accepted, getting into the back.

(Sorry this was so short...ah what am I saying...who reads the authors note anyway, lolzers)

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