The Journey

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I was walking around, where you ask? In the depths of hell. Or my memories, which ever one you prefer. It was the only way to get my friends back. What, I didn't tell you? Oops, sorry so what happened was...

"Anything? Let's make a deal." Ella said her red eyes glaring at me. She had a plan, and I didn't like where this was going.

"What kind of deal?" I was not about to do this.

"One that you can't refuse. The only way you can get your friends back is to change your past." She said back

"I don't get it, that doesn't seem so hard what's the catch?" I wanted to know everything that was going on.

"Why, that would ruin all the fun, now wouldn't it." Ella always had that annoying little squeak at the end of her sentences. It bugged the crap out of me. "Do you want to see your friends or not?"

I took a deep breath, and here I was in my memories. Witch one I got no idea, well yet. I looked around, where was I? Oh wait, this is my Great Grandmother's house. I walked around the couldn't see or hear me, perfect. I looked into a crib and there was a little blond baby girl. It was me, but there's nothing here that I could change. I went through the back door and was in my Kindergarten class.

"I remember this, Kindergarten was so much fun, until" I stopped there and looked ariund, we were all sitting in a line by the door, so exited for spring break.

"My family is going to Texas! I can't wait!" That voice, that was the voice of one of my best friends that year. We were so young, neither one of us knew that she wouldn't be back.

I walked out the door, then back in it was the day after spring break, and I was eagerly waiting to see her again. But that day she didn't show up, or the next day. And the next.  And the next. I waited day after day, week after week, and year after year. She never came back.

I walked out the door, and the next memory was one I still regret to this day. It was in fifth grade, testing was finally over, and I was sitting next to the best guy in the class, Andrew.  I liked him all year long, he was the only guy that I loved talking to. Then, he asked me out, that day, he finally just asked me. I said yes of course, but our relationship awkward,  and we broke up. Next year in sixth grade, he wouldn't wave, say hi or anything. He just glanced at me with eyes of hate, and now in seventh grade. He still does the same just that now I don't care.

I walked into another door that led into my bedroom, at about midnight. Oh, no. Please, no. I remember this day, and I watched myself cry all night long. I had just lost my best friend, Alyssa.

I was being bullied on this online chat-room game (MSP). And I just couldn't get away from it, no matter how hard I tried. So, I was talking to Alyssa, and let's just say that things were said. She said that she didn't want to be friends anymore.

I watched as teats streamed down my face, I wanted to cry and change this moment, but I didn't.  Yes, it would have saved a lot of pain, but that happened for a reason. To make our friendship stronger. I just walked out my door which lead to something I regret, because it still pains my arm.

I watched myself, take a sharpener blade, and raking it down my arm, tears running down my cheeks. I remember my first time cutting,  and I still remember why. I was thinking about how much I had hurt Alissa that day in the last memory. I was devastated, wanting death and eveything, I still come back to that now. But I'm working on it.

I quickly go through my closet door, but not before whispering, "stop, it's not worth it. Trust me." I walked out the door while the past me looked around and wiped off the blood.

That door led to a place full of fire, the day the school fell to flames. At that moment I new things were about to get real. I walked into another door bracing myself to the real trial. I'm running out of time, and out of patience, this is it, the end of my journey.

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