Ch. 1: A Katana?

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A  girl was walking down the street with her two friends. Her hair reached her shoulder blades and was slightly darker then red in color. Her eyes violet. The girl to her left had blonde hair with green eyes. The girl to her right had black hair and blue eyes. All three wore their school uniform. Which consisted of a black skirt, a white short sleeved shirt, a black buttoned up vest, and black shoes. The red head however wore black thigh highs, the blonde wore long black socks, and the black haired girl wore normal black socks.

"Ugh... school was horrible today!" The red head groaned.

"It wasn't that bad, Jessica." The black haired said.

"Well, she did stay up all night watching anime." The blonde said.

Jessica sighed. "Boy how tears were spilled. So, what are we doing girls?"

"Well, Siri had plans to go shopping, but something came up, and I need to go home." The blonde sighed.

"Damn, well see you Lisa." Jessica said as Siri and her waved their friend off.

"So! Let's head to the mall!" Jessica clapped.

Siri got a call, and sighed. "Really? Ugh. Fine." Siri hung up the phone and put it in her pocket. "I need to go to work. Sorry Jessica."

"Oh.. no, it's ok. Work is more important then silly old shopping." Jessica chuckled softly.

Siri hugged her before walking off.

Jessica groaned loudly when Siri was out of earshot. She started walking.

"Hm.. the woods are close by. That's always fun..." Jessica walked to the forest.

She let out a relaxed sigh as she fell into the grass. She then heard a small hiss. She shot up and looked to her right to see a snake looking at her. The snake wasn't very big, and obviously couldn't kill a human, but Jessica screamed loudly as she stumbled back. She stood up, backing off before tripping over a rock and rolling down a hill. She ended up rolling into a hole that led to an abandoned mining place. She winced softly, as she had scraped her knee. "Huh? Oh. I'm just in the old mining place. We used to play here all the time... I know the way o-" Jessica was cut off by distant whispers. "Who's there!?" Jessica asked as she spun around, but saw nothing. Jessica gulped as she started walking. She turned on her phone flashlight, looking around. "What was that...?" Jessica continued walking, brushing her red hair from her eyes. She gulped softly. "The exit shouldn't be too far..."

Jessica took another step, but stepped on a fragile wooden board and fell. She gasped as she hit the ground hard. "D-damn..." She said as she stood up. She looked ahead seeing a katana stuck in a rock. The blade was a shiny silver, like it had just been cleaned. The handle was blood red with a swirl circle design on the bottom of the handle. Jessica stared at the blade. It was like nothing else surrounded her. No rock. No wood. All she saw was the katana. Jessica walked towards it. Her hand reached out. Her fingers folded around the blade, and everything went black.

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