You are madly in love with someone you dont fully understand

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Part 1

"Bottoms up", saying that she finished her drink in one gulp.
Bulbul: here she go again, Purab, should we talk to Tanu about her???she is getting worst day by day
Purab: no, tanu will just add problem to Pragya's life, ever since aunty passed away, Tanu behaviour is changed towards her, she thinks Pragya is responsible for aunty' death. I think It's Better, if you talk to aaliya, Pragya feels aaliya as her elder sister, she will listen to her
Bulbul: but she is out of town n will come back in 5days
Pragya: I think we should meet tomorrow also, it's getting late, I'm going
Bulbul: wait Pragya, it's your house, we will leave ok bye take care n bulbul n Purab leaves
Pragya taking her mobile in her hands, talks to herself, I have loved you beyond myself, but I think it's not enough, I know it's one sided but it's pure I love you, she doze off
Next day morning Tanu knock at Pragya's room door, n yelled,"cleanup, today it's my turn, my friends are coming over, they would probably sleep here, so manage yourself to sleep else were, I'm leaving, by the time I come back, I should not see you here, got it"
Pragya was still sleepy, but just heard my turn, my friends, manage yourself.
daily same scenario n only exchange of words between to sisters after their mom, passed away. Pragya would soak herself in alcohol, almost every night. Pragya gets n freshen up then goes to college, after reaching there, she straight goes to principle office, she request mr Patil, to allow her to finish her graduation through correspondent. Mr Patil agrees as she was brilliant student, n he somewhere knew, that Pragya was going through too much stress lately, Pragya thanks him, n leaves from there n goes to beach.
She spends whole day there, thinking what all happened in last few months.
At same time, in late evening at Tanu's house
Bell rings, Tanu adjusted her essentials, n opens the door, "hey Abhi, come in" n she shows him couch to sit, "wait I will be right back"
She goes in, n spears mouth freshener n again adjust her essentials, brings water for Abhi.
" no thanks, nice house, specially those carnations flowers, I love them" he said looking at  beautifully arranged flowers( by Pragya)
" thanks for compliment, come will show you whole house " n she holds Abhi hand, shows him all rooms, except Pragya's
"Wow Tanu, you have maintained your house so well, I'm impressed " said Abhi. Tanu smile halfheartedly n suggest to watch some movie
Both sat on couch, started watching movie
Abhi was bit uncomfortable, as Tanu would purposely touch him n then make some excuse.
Tanu kept on giving hints but Abhi was not getting it or he was not interested in all this. Suddenly Tanu holds abhi's hand ,"love you Abhi" saying that she slides her hand near his thighs, n moves closer towards his lips, "stop it Tanu," finally he said it, making it clear that he is in no mood for any pleasure." Tanu could not control now, "What's your problem, we are in love, it's ok if we get physical" saying, she again tried to get close but Abhi holds her hands n tells her "pls Tanu, no physical thing ok,  I know, we are dating, but that doesn't mean we cross our limits, I don't like all this before marriage, You are getting my point, right??"
"Stop acting like some bahanji who would do only on her first night," she was angry (she thinks, if he sleeps with me just once, then I will make sure, I get so much publicity n limelight) "it's getting late, I will take  a leave,"said Abhi without looking at her, but Tanu insisted to have wine. "so many times I have told you, I don't drink" saying, this he stormed out from Tanu's apartment n he started driving,  it was raining heavily n wipers of his car moving even faster, suddenly his car hit something. He stopped n prayed that it should not be any living thing, to his horrors, it was indeed a girl, with long hair n light body, in her early 20s
He hurried her to his car, n drivers her to his home, he shouts for robin, when he reached.
"Help me take her to guest bedroom",saying that both took her upstairs n slowly put her on bed
"Should I call doctor,"asked Robin
"No need, I will take care, you go n bring limewater ok n make it fast," Abhi looks at her,
She smelled alcohol, may be she was drunk heavily n forced to have hard drink.Then he noticed she was all soaked up due to rain,  he calls, Radha (Servent) gives his pair of night wear ask Radha to change her clothes.
It's was 3am, she was still unconscious, Abhi was bit nervous now, he thought to call doctor, then again thought," no she is fine, just she had too much alcohol "just then her body moved little, he had sight of relief, n asked, "are you ok"??"
She just opened her eyes, then closed it( oh my god, it's Abhi, no Pragya don't open your eyes now, you won't able to face him, his questions, he would obviously ask why you were so drunk, just keep you eyes closed n in morning leave from here)
Abhi thought, she must b having hangover, tells,"limewater is kept on side table, have it you will feel better" n covers her with blanket, sits on arm chair opposite to bed. He was gazing at her, then fall asleep, suddenly again those picture started flashing (girl calling Abhi, blanket on her face, blood stains on bedsheets) in his mind, n sweat starts to build on his forehead,he feels restless, n he opens his eyes (this was routine thing from past 3 months, in this months he was changed completely, he left all his bad habit, smoking, drinking n even hook ups, he was done with all this, he wanted something from life) he again looks at her, n thinks it's like déjà vu, he had seen this before, n goes back to sleep
Next day
Dadi came with his cinnamon coffee to room
Dadi:( keeping coffee on table) so how is she?abhi: she is fine, (without realising he answered) how did you know dadi, I was here ??
Dadi: I went to your room, but you were not there, then I asked robin, he told me, you will be here n all
Abhi: ok, you go n take your medicine, I will call you, when she gains conscious
Dadi: ok, let's see, who she is??? (dadi removes Blanket from her face) she looks like goolu, yes yes she is goolu!!!
Abhi: goolu, who??
Dadi: you used to call her fuggie, she was our neighbors in Delhi 7 years back, don't you remember??
Abhi: not possible dadi, fuggie was really 5 times fat then what she is, let it be, you ask her when she wakes, now go n take your medicine, saying that he went in balcony n was having his coffee.
Abhi went to his room n freshen up n then goes to balcony n sits with mug of  cinnamon coffee n was lost in thoughts of fuggie, how she made coffee for him n how she would hide behind canteen wall n listen to his music,
Pragya wakes up, looks around for her cloths, but she didn't find them, she takes her purses  n mobile from side table n runs from there in Abhi cloths (cloths were loose, but not that loose)
It started raining, Abhi came to reality n saw someone, running from his garden then crossing gate n she sat in taxi, he rushed to his room n saw she was gone, there was small note on bed
" thanks for taking care of me, I will be always thankful for this n not forget,  n I'm sorry, I'm taking your cloth as I didn't find mine, I will send your cloths tomorrow n collect mine."
A small smile came from corner of his face, n he went down to have breakfast, at dinning table
Dadi: where is she ??
Abhi: she is gone, but will come tomorrow to give my clothes n take her clothes back (laughs n gives note to her)
Dadi: beta it's in English, how would I read
Abhi: it's written same thing what I just said, she couldn't find her clothes so, she went that way wearing my clothes (laughs again, imagining her in that cloths, this time even louder)
Dadi:(smile) after so many days, I saw you laughing, you always be like this, I will talk to her tomorrow
Here Pragya went straight to bulbul house
Bulbul: what the hell, where have you been yesterday night??? I was looking for you, even called Purab, he suggested we should talk to police but I told wait till morning
Pragya: chill yaar, I was at my house
Bulbul: (chuckled) come on, in this cloths don't lie me, ( serious tone) swear on me n tell me truth, that day also you went like that
Pragya:(cuts between)  I was at abhi's place n explain whole thing
Bulbul: wow Abhi, did you talk to him about your feelings
Pragya: shut up, you know Tanu loves him, n he too
Bulbul: (she gave you are impossible type look) really, look who is taking, Tanu don't love him, only using him, she is one self-centred girl, who loves only herself
Pragya: ( today finally she said it, n shouts in pain) he didn't even remember my face
Bulbul: give him time, he will
Pragya: I don't want him, I'm ok, where I'm
Bulbul: if you don't tell him then how will he ever know??
Pragya: for last time, I'm fine without him in my life, it's already very complicated, saying that she leaves
It has been 2days, Pragya was shattered n locked herself in room, Tanu was quite worried after all, in name of family, she only had Pragya,  she was always polite with Tanu no matter how much Tanu would hate her, n that irritates Tanu even more.
Even when next, Pragya didn't show up, she went n knocked the door, n said,"goolu open, today I have cooked your favourite Thai curry rice, let's have lunch together," saying that she again knocked, but she didn't open, Tanu finally took duplicate keys n opened door, she was shocked to see room was dark, n smelled alcohol, Pragya, who was sitting in corner, legs folding to her chest n head down n crying, Tanu went near her n said, "goolu, come lets eat, I have made your favourite Thai curry rice, I'm really hungry " she looked up to Tanu n gave her tight hug," I miss baadi maa" saying that, both sisters were in tears, Tanu broke hug, ask her to fresh up, Pragya went to washroom
Both were at dining table
Tanu: are you feeling better ??
Pragya: ya
Tanu: what kind of clothes you are wearing, is this yours???( she was still in abhi's cloths)
Pragya: yes, they are comfortable so I bought them
Tanu: (she wanted to ask her what was bothering her but then she felt it's not right time) ok, let's eat, they finished food n went out together to temple ( they would visit temple, when they missed their mom)
At temple, after sometime, Tanu left but making sure, Pragya was fine n asked her to promise that she will return home n no alcohol, Pragya agreed
Pragya was again lost in her thoughts,


Three months back
It was Purab's 20th birthday today, all three of them Pragya, bulbul, Purab went to pub, it was very famous pub, Pragya had vodka for first time n she was high, bulbul n Purab were at other end of dance floor completely lost in each other, Purab had proposed bulbul that day.Pragya who was almost 4 pegs down,she went on dance floor to give rabul privacy, just then, she saw Abhi, n she was on cloud 9, seeing him after so long ( they were neighbours, 7years back, when she was staying with her mother, Pragya had big crush at that time, n now she loved him secretly, she followed him on Twitter , fb, Instagram n never missed his any concerts)
Abhi, who had this Casanova image , he would not think twice n hook up with any random girl
Pragya knew all this, but it doesn't matter her, her feelings were pure n unconditional,  she never expected love in return, she was happy like this, living in her own dreamworld.
Pragya went near him, so that she can talk, but b4 she reached Abhi was gone, then She followed him quickly to elevator, an saw him entering room, Pragya was hiding behind next door, just then some girl entered, Pragya didn't saw her face, as lights of corridor were deem, but at that vary second that girl went out n left door slightly open,  Pragya thought it's good opportunity to talk to Abhi n she entered room, it was completely dark, she was little afraid n in low voice called out abhi's name
Abhi quickly reply in husky voice, " baby I'm here, what took you so long" n hugged her from behind, She froze feel his warm body on hers,he started kissing her from neck, then shoulder, slowly unzipping her dress from behind, she was completely speechless, didn't understand what to do, if she push him, he will be so embarrassed, no I could not do that, but I can't allow him this also, by time she could say anything, they were on bed, n she went with the flow thinking it's ok l love him, my body, my soul belongs to him, she too was drunk n emotional to think any further.
Abhi again starting kissing her, this time she also responded, there was no looking back now, one thing leads to other n finally they made out, Abhi was always gentle while having sex, not in hurry to finish his business.
Next day
Abhi woke up first, he threw blanket on her n grabs his clothes, n was shocked to see blood stains on bed, he gets shocked n scared at same time n leaves without saying anything to her or even seeing her face (which was covered with blanket)
Abhi was ashamed, n started driving very fast n lost in thought, what have I done???she was not like girls he would usually hookup, she was native, wait yes, I'm right, may be she was not the that girl, which i was supposed to hookup, the girl I was supposed to hookup looked quite experienced, n here I slept with this girl who was pure, virgin, Unknown to me, all I remember is she knew, who I was?? The way she called my name Abhi, it sounds so different from her mouth, I should go back n he turns car towards pub again
Here Pragya wakes up, she cries a lot, what I have done???, she was scared to death by seeing blood on bedsheet, then she quickly put her clothes n left room. She was waiting for elevator, just then it opens n Abhi comes, but he doesn't recognise her n Pragya on other hand, parted her lips to say something, but he already left, she quietly followed Abhi, he went inside room, "oh god, she is gone, I'm such an idiot who didn't even remember her face, was I so much drunk??" ( he was loud enough, that she heard everything)Saying that he left, followed by her
Pragya who was feeling terrible, she went to chemist n asked for ipill ( birth control) n took it (she was practical, she was just 20, n wanted to b sure to avoid unwanted pregnancy) that day she broke beyond repair, she who loved Abhi so much, but even after having sex, he didn't remember her face, that killed her from inside. "How could someone be so desperate, that he didn't even care to see, who he is hooking up with??" But again she console herself by saying he was too drunk to remember anything.
Flashback ends

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