You n me, together n forever

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Pragya went to meet Abhi as she promised, but dadi didn't allowed n said," have patience, you are getting married tomorrow so you can't meet Abhi now, sorry beta you will have to leave," she got upset n was leaving just then received msg from Abhi, "don't come from front gate, come from balcony, dadi has locked me from outside,   Waiting for you love"
She got huge smile on her face n went, she climbed to balcony, he gave her body crushing hug n kissed her
P: kya Abhi, you could have come from balcony to meet me at my place
A: dadi, she has gone insane, she comes very half hour n check on me, so I don't want her to get suspicious  
P: ok, so what was so important that you wanted to meet now
A: nothing, I just wanted to be with you, see you, ( gets closer n whispers in her ears) feel you
P: ( puts her hands around his neck) really, but I thought you wanted to know me, n tell about yourself also
A: ( cuts in) truth is, everything will change from tomorrow, my life
P:(cuts in) hello, this should be my line, my life will change, I have to leave my parents house n come here, I will have to adjust, I...
A:( cuts in) what I I I ?? From tomorrow it's always "we" infact from now it's self, we will start best journey of our life ( kisses her)
P: we should celebrate
A: wine??
P: ok, but only one glass n we will share that one glass promise, we don't want to get in trouble, right??
A: ok, as you say, ( they shared one glass, then had one each glass, n then kept on having 1 more n more, till stock last)
Next day, When dadi entered room in early morning, she was shocked to see, room was total mess, their cloths were laying all over the place, Abhigya were only covered with blanket, dadi thought its hight of shamelessness, they can't wait for one more night, n she leaves without disturbing them, but calls on Pragya Mobile
D: good morning beta
P: ( seeing it's dadi call, gets up n tense) good morning dadi
D: so are you ready ??? it's already 7am, driver will come in 10-15 mins max, to pick you up for pooja
P: what?? I mean why?? No no I mean, dadi no need, I will be there by myself in 20mins, ok dadi
D: ok, as you like it ( laughs, she is so scared, I was just joking)
Pragya kisses Abhi on forehead n goes n freshen up, gets ready n climbed down from balcony n enters from front gate
D: ( eyes wide open) what is this beta, you can't wear this for Pooja,(she was wearing abhi's track suite)
Go upstairs, to my room, I have just perfect dress for you,(laughs n ask
bulbul, who was arrived before her, goes with her to help her get ready)bulbul, you also go with her
Then dadi goes to abhi's room to wake him up,
D: nalayak, ( twist his ears) I told you not to meet her before marriage n you were sleeping n hugging n oh god, all this before marriage
A:( looks for Pragya n then covers himself properly) dadi, you only said that you are getting old, n want grandchild soon, so I was just practicing
D: shameless ( throws pillow) get ready,
A: ( pouts) did she left me
D: don't be drama queen, she left you to be with you forever, she is getting ready in my room
A: oh she is here only, ( goes to freshen up)
After some time, Tanu, aaliya n Purab came, n Abhi bulbul n dadi were waiting for Pragya to come down, n she came down wearing, off white dress with red dupatta, with golden work, hair falling down her shoulder, with minimum makeup, she was looking gorgeous, abhi eyes followed her while she was walking down the stairs,her leg slipped,n she fell from stairs, her head was bleeding, everybody ran to her, abhi took her in arms n rushed her to hospital, after almost 2hrs she gain conscious, n saw, abhi was holding her hand n waiting for her, as she tried to talk, he puts finger on her nose to pause, " we were going to marry today, n nothing can stop me from doing so," n calls pundit n others, takes her in his arms, (both lost in each other, they maintain eye contact whole time) takes pherras n they get married, later he went to doctor n asked if he can take her home, but doctor denied, saying she should have MRI as there can be internal bleeding n some other tests, abhi agreed n told whatever tests that want to do, do it now, after she gets discharge he will only see doctor (gynaecologist) when she conceive n both laughs
It was late night, Pragya wakes up n tries to get water herself, she didn't wanted to disturb abhi, n glass falls from her hand, waking up abhi
A:(shouts) are you out of your mind, I'm here for you, then why you want to be over smart n try this stunts
P: sorry, but I didn't wanted to disturb you
A:( sits next to her n cups her face) im always here for you, pls take care of yourself first, I'm nothing without you, I love you( kisses her on her wound)
P: love you too
A: ( tries to be naughty) it's good na, we didn't wait for today, n enjoyed our first night yesterday
P: ( blushing) technically, we did it after 12, so date will be same, n holds his hand
A: now you rest, I'm here only, n if you want something,( she signals him to sleep on same bed) just pinch me n sleeps on same bed with cuddling her
Next day nurse came n told abhi that Dr Gupta is calling you, n he went,
Dr Gupta: abhi I need your blood sample too
Abhi: my??? But why ?? I'm alright
Dr Gupta: I want for 2reasons, first Pragya is pregnant
Abhi:( cuts in) oh my god, she will so happy to hear it, I'm going to be father n what's second
Dr Gupta: when I found out that she is pregnant, we did all routine tests for pregnancy which includes HIV, n she is positive, so I need your simple also
Abhi: how can that be possible, pls do the tests again, n does that mean my baby
Dr Gupta:( cuts in)we have already cross check, n it's not necessary that unborn child will also get but I need to check you also,
Abhi : ok, but I request you pls don't tell any one about pregnancy, not even Pragya pls doctor
Dr Gupta: don't worry, I won't tell but we will have to start with medication, this will protect unborn baby from getting aids n make sure she don't even miss single dose ok take care
Abhi with heavy heart went back to Pragya
Abhi: how are you feeling now
P: much better, nurse told we can go by afternoon
A: ( hugs) I love u fuggie, Yes, we will go, u just take proper medicines ok
P: ok
Month passed, abhi didn't go for any meeting or sign any new contract, even his reports were positive,he was totally broken from inside, he felt helpless n at same time, he tried his best to get best doctor for treatment, he had puts all medicines in vitamins bottles so Pragya could not find out n he personally give her n made sure she has it, he was every excited about baby but was scared it to reveal it to Pragya he had feared that Pragya may ask to abort child saying if baby also get affected but never showed it to his fuggie, in her presence he would try to be as true to himself as he can, but from last 2 days Pragya was bugging him a lot saying that they should see doctor, she has missed her periods, but abhi denied, he was scared, what if she knows, n he can't face her after that, he started thinking that only because of him, she also got HIV, he cursed himself for hookups with those Unknown women, maybe from that only he got n because him, Pragya was affected n now may be his baby, this thought would come again n again to him, finally next day Pragya shouted at him n they had argument
P: abhi, this is too much, why you don't want to come to doctor, n nor you are letting me go n check, it can be
A:( cuts in, n shouts on top of his voice) if I said we are not going means not going, no further discussion
P: (hugs him from behind) ok, but why?? I could be, I mean I may be pregnant, as we never use any protection
A: ( kisses her, may be I should tell her, anyways she will know later) ok fine, but we will not tell anybody that we are going ok, not even dadi
P: ok,( jumps on bed) promise    
A:( puts his hand on her tummy) stop it, you may harm baby
P: you are behaving like I'm already pregnant
A:nothing like that, come lets go n they leaves
He msg, doctor that they are coming n only tell her about pregnancy n nothing else,
As they were driving to hospital, Pragya asked him if he loves kids,
A: ya I would love to have kids with you, but I want baby girl first,
P: that's not fair, all I want is healthy baby boy or girl, I just want to love them my whole life
The words,I just want to love them for whole life," made abhi realise that this happiness is not going last forever, "what would happen to our baby, as we both are HIV positive,n we don't have that much time, 5-8 years were not enough, what will be baby's future, who will look after him, even dadi is getting old, others will get busy with their life, who will be with my baby, if we can not be with him, we don't have right to bring him to this world" abhi came to sense when Pragya shouted for third time," break abhi, press break abhi" it was too late, abhi lost control n their car crushed into truck coming from opposite side, both abhi n Pragya were severely injured, passerby took them to hospital but were declared dead on reaching hospital.

I'm ending this story here
I know many of you will not be happy or agree with this kind of ending, sorry if I disappointed you all but I want to tell you all here, abhi didn't purposely did accident, it was their destiny, he felt helpless but never thought of suicide,   

Pls comment, about your views n tell what else according you'll should have done

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