Everytime i see u, i fall in love with u all over again

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Abhi kept on trying his fuggie number but it was still not reachable n then it was switched off, he was getting restless, all negative thoughts were running in his mind, what if fuggie is drunk n something bad happens to her, may she will be all depressed n do something which she is not supposed to do, why did I listen to aaliya's stupid plan, we could have been together now, if I told her straight away that I love her n want her in my life forever, his thoughts were distracted by some sound from outside, he was scared at first but finally finds courage n goes to balcony n sees someone sitting on swing then he narrowed his eyes n could not believe, it was his fuggie n he runs towards garden, n shouts,"fuggie, where are you, fuggiefuggie, I know you are here, hiding from me pls come to me, I promise I won't tease you" but she was not there, dadi, robin, radha all came to garden asking what happened, but Abhi didn't care to give answers n continue searching her, dadi in anger, straight goes to outhouse room n finds Rohan having drinks, " what's your problem, why you are spoiling our plan, don't you want Abhi in your life"
That day when Pragya gets irritated by Abhi, goes to bulbul n tells everything what was happening from past few days, bulbul suggest to meet dadi n ask for her to help, as only she can make Abhi understand n they both along with Purab goes to meet dadi
Pragya:(takes blessing) dadi I need to tell you something
Dadi: yes beta what is it
Pragya: Abhi is getting on my nerves, all he thinks is about Tanu n I find this every uncomfortable
Dadi:the word is jealous, you are jealous of her??
Pragya: yes dadi, I know it's bad to feel that way of your own sister, I know Tanu loves Abhi n Abhi loves Tanu, but what is need to wait for her 3-4 hours,he didn't had food with me even though he was hungry, he just ignore me, n top of that he says I ignore him, I don't care for him, he is purposely doing this just to annoy me, how I hate him
Dadi: love him, I think what you mean was love him
Pragya:(just realised what all she said in frustration) actually dadi, yes I love him, is it ok with you
Dadi: of course, I would love to have bahu like you
Pragya:but he loves Tanu, n I don't want to come In between
Dadi: no he loves you only, I will prove to you so stop cursing yourself for nothing
Purab: yes she is right, I feel there is something fishy in his behaviour
Bulbul: yes, if he loves Tanu, then why he wants to prove to you that
Pragya: but
Dadi: no ifs n buts, do what I say
Pragya: (shocked) dadi, you also
Dadi: I'm abhi's dadi n I know he only loves you, definitely he is upto something, maybe he wants to annoy you, n in frustration you tell about your feelings, now watch what I will do, you just tell him, you are going somewhere n come stay here
Bulbul: dadi, what will you say to Abhi, that why Pragya is staying with you
Dadi: who said that Pragya will stay here, she will stay in outhouse, I don't want Abhi to see her
Purab: idea, Pragya can become Servent n then
Bulbul: (cuts between) but he will easily recognise her
Purab: she will be he, n server him
Pragya: what
Dadi: yes Purab is right, n you will not speak also, I will tell abhi, you are robin's cousin n you can't speak, it's birth defect
Bulbul: I will do you make up, big glasses, thick eyebrows n ugly mol on nose
Purab: I will bring clothes, I think my clothes will fit you just fine
Pragya: I can't do all this drama
Dadi Purab n bulbul in chorus you don't have choice you have to do it n Pragya had agree, no option
Flashback ends
Dadi: why you have to drink
Pragya: sorry dadi, but Im addicted to it, my head was paining so
Dadi: but why you started drinking at first
Pragya: ( she didn't wanted to tell dadi why she drinks) promise I won't from now, but no questions please dadi, I don't have answers
after while when abhi didn't find her, he went back to his room n shouted for robin,just then dadi heard Abhi n ask Pragya to go to Abhi, Rohan came with note pad, wrote on note pad
Rohan: sir you want anything, robin is sleeping
Abhi: get something to drink
Rohan:(went n came back n gave vodka bottle)
Abhi:(looking at him in shock) I don't take hard drinks
Rohan: sorry I thought you are upset so you will have drinks
Abhi: one don't need alcohol to feel better but needs friend to open up n talk things out,to let it go, do you drink when upset ??
Rohan: yes, n lots of it, may be whole bottle if friends are not around to stop
Abhi: alcohol is bad for health n worst in spoiling relationship, you know I love my fuggie, I could have talk to her directly, but choose wrong path to reach her n now I have lost her
Rohan: is she dead ??
Abhi: have you lost your mind also, she is not dead, she is hiding somewhere from me, but I will find her, n pls bring coffee n remember I don't drink
Rohan leaves, n comes back after sometime with coffee
Abhi: from whom you learn to make coffee
Rohan: my girlfriend used to make like this
Abhi: what, you have girl friend, what's her name
Rohan: what's in name, she is no more, she died in car accident
Abhi: oh sorry to hear that, ok you can go n take care, n never take alcohol, if you feel lonely come to me, we will talk ok, Rohan nods n leaves
Abhi was sulking day by day, n seeing him in that condition, Pragya would drink more, after 2days, at night, Pragya came to abhi's room as Rohan n was gazing Abhi, he woke up suddenly n notice Rohan, gazing at him lovingly, Abhi pull blanket till his neck n asked him, if he wants anything
Rohan: nodded
Abhi: do one thing, write on note pad
Rohan: I was feeling lonely, n you said that day I should come to you
Abhi:(get all in wrong sense, thinks Rohan is gay n again covering himself properly with blanket) are you drunk ??
Rohan: yes, I really can't take this, it pains, why love hurts so much
Abhi: let it go, don't think so much, just relax n go to sleep, Rohan nods n leaves, Abhi went to balcony, as he was not feeling sleepy anymore, thoughts start flashing in his mind, how he met his fuggie, their hookup, accident, aaliya's plan, an soon he was sleeping outside only
Next day
At breakfast dadi calls Abhi
Dadi : Abhi to need to talk to you something important
Abhi: yes dadi I also want to talk something important
Dadi: let tell first
Abhi: no, I will tell first
Dadi: I'm elderly so me
Abhi: I'm your grandchild so me first
Dadi: ok, you win tell me
Abhi: that day you gave me 2 pairs of clothes to return to fuggie, but she has come once only right??
Dadi:(tense n nervous) actually by mistake I gave you one pair of Radha clothes also
Abhi: oh ok,( is she hiding something) but dadi fuggie returned 2 pairs of clothes to me
Dadi:( I'm dead today) beta, she must have bought new pair for you
Abhi: ya dadi that may be possible, so what you wanted to talk about??
Dadi: I wanted to you to meet Pari
Abhi: why??
Dadi: I like her, I think she is perfect for you
Abhi: (juice comes out from his mouth in shock) dadi but
Dadi: what but, she coming for dinner tonight n you have to be there
Abhi:(started thinking what to do now) dadi I'm not ready for marriage
Dadi: I'm not asking to get married right away but just asking to meet, n then decide ok, no pressure
Abhi:(unwillingly) ok n make some excuse n leaves n calls fuggie again, this time she pickups call,
Abhi: hello
Pragya: yes, who is this
Abhi: Abhi,you don't even recognise my voice, (shouts) where the hell are you??
Pragya: home
Abhi: don't lie, Tanu told me you don't have any house in Delhi
Pragya: I'm not in Delhi,
Abhi: then, are in Mumbai
Pragya: what you want, n why you call, I'm not here to give you answers
Abhi: (again shouts) just shut up, n tell me where you are, I want to meet you right now
Pragya: you don't have any right to shout at me like this, who am I to you???
Abhi: everything,
Pragya: what??
Abhi: everything , ( very politely) I will tell you, but first meet me now
Pragya: ok, meet me tonight @8
Abhi: why so late, meet now pls pls
Pragya: ok
Abhi:( excited) where??
Pragya: at home bye n cuts the call
Abhi was dancing in excitement when Rohan entered, " you are so lucky for me Rohan, I found my fuggie " n gives him a quick kiss on cheeks n leaves

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