Put on pause

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I'm putting this book on pause for the time being....

That Doesn't mean that I'm finished with this book, geez I'm nowhere close to finishing. I just feel it could be written a lot better, it seems too rushed to me.

I'm most likely going to make another book, like a remake of this one and keep this one up, and update on that one rather than this one.

But you all have to keep in mind, some parts will be the same, others will be completely different. 

And I hope it doesn't change your opinion of the storyline at all. It's just in my personal opinion it seems too rushed, I never left any time between for anything, I forget to add certain things, there's new characters that need to be added.

 It's just all too frustrating when I want to write something that's really good, but it would have to affect the update before it in order to make sense and I can't change the previous one because people have already read it.

I just hope you all understand that I most likely won't update this book again for a while, and there will be another book to replace this one shortly. This hurts me as much as it hurts you guys, trust me.

Just stay in touch and you'll get an update about it sooner or later I promise.

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