Chapter 3 It's a Pizza Pie...

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Red: really Kate?....why this as the title
Silena: because I said so
Red: whatever, on with the story!
Chapter 3: It's a Pizza Pie


The heros all rushed over to the computer to see that Henry had been able to narrow down the search to be in the south eastern part of the United States.

Ann spoke up and said "There's a bunch of hiding places, wooded area, military bases in that part of the country, and we have no idea where to start the search or of this person's style... that's just fantastic."

Aqualad spoke up and said "It would worry the public if my team and I were to disappear and randomly be seen searching for someone, we are unable to risk it for we don't need chaos right now."

Tim spoke up and said "The Titans are trying to fight Luthor right now, if we find anything about this woman from him we will let you know as soon as possible."

Red X and Element Girl already started to have hopeless looks on their faces as the two team leaders looked guilty as they left, Henry had started typing rapidly on the keyboard as if looking for something specific.

Speedy placed a hand on Ann's shoulder as he said "At least we have three members of the Bat Family helping, the ones trained by the world's greatest detective."

"Technically I'm not an official member of the Bat Family, but thanks for thinking that."

Nightwing had pulled up his arm computer and was helping Henry type, his hacker name at the top left of his screen was TotallyWhelmed.

The three members of Illuminati watched the two for a long while before Jay spoke up and asked "What the hell are you two doing?"

The older of the two, Nightwing, said "Hacking the motion sensors of the watchtower to pick up and show us any traces of Kate's unique power thumbprint or any unusual happenings that are chemically induced."

"Like what? They have a military base called Fort Rucker in Alabama where they train helicopter pilots and shit, what if there's a fucking crash and that sets it off giving us false hope?!" Questioned Ann.

Jay's eyes widened in fear, he scratched the back of his head and said "She can't really use her powers now, apparently her lightning ones are powering this place, and her mind reading ones can only work if she's in direct contact with someone, and there's the whole thing about if they know how to cancel those powers with certain magnetic pulses."

Everyone looked at him and Henry said "Why do you know that, Jay?"

He looked at his feet and cursed himself as he backed up slightly, remembering that everyone in the room at the moment didn't trust him, or at least not as much as the lost girl he'd fallen for.

"I promise I didn't give them the information, she told me of her own free will, it's what weakened her to where she has to have direct contact, I would never betray her!"

Jay had started to hyperventilate, this happened to him if he thought about someone he truly cares about getting hurt past repair like he had been before the Joker tried to blow him up, Henry rushed over and calmed him down since they'd been paired up for every mission for a few years.

Speedy stepped forward and said "we could use someone to act as a civilian in one of the towns, like Mobile, since people can hide stuff there, what do you guys think?"

Nightwing thought for a while before saying "I can't really do that since I've been in the magazines a lot lately, it'd alert the people who have her, Henry is still too closely watched by both sides to be able to do that, and Ann would raise red flags if they have unmasked Kate."

Everyone stared at the archer before he groaned and said "What am I gonna have to do?"

Nightwing started setting up a plan with Henry after telling Ann, Roy, and Jay what they'd have to do, the three didn't particularly like the idea of not having their weapons nor uniforms for a while, but eventually agreed to only carry civilian weapons.

The three worried members went and got changed and put some facial alteration make-up on, and had dyed their hair so it was up in towels or a towel was on their heads.

"It's only in the movies when you have to keep the towel in your hair, you know that, right?"

The three of them took the towels off their heads to reveal that Element Girl had dyed her hair a turquoise color, Speedy had changed his hair style and made it a brown, and Jay had gone back to his natural red hair.

All of them looked at each other because it looked like the two boys switched hair colors and then Ann just went in a completely different direction hair wise.

They looked back at the two computer wizes with blank faces and a bright flash of light occured making all of them stumble back as the wizes typed furiously and handed Ann and Jay cards that appeared to be fake identifications.

Then they both looked at Roy and Henry motioned Ann over and whispered into her ear, she snorted slightly before going to the makeup area and grabbed something and walked over to Roy and moved him into better lighting.

She blocked the view of the others as she worked before moving away to reveal a pencil mustache on the archer who was staring at her with bug eyes like she was insane as she ducked as he blinked slowly enough for Henry to take a clear photo.

All of them smiled weakly as he sighed in defeat when Henry held out the fake identification to him, they all looked at the information and quickly memorized it before using a Zeta tube to get to their separate destinations.

Nightwing pulled a picture out of his pocket, the missing girl he loved as much as his younger bro was in it next to him, one of the first pictures of her taken in the dimension all of them now called home.

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