Who Are You?

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Frank rubbed his eyes. He must be dreaming! The experiment had failed, hadn't it?

The girl looked up at him in confusion. Frank allowed himself, for the first time, to really take in her appearance.

Her entire body was a patchwork of scars that were visible from the thick black thread he had used to sew them together.

Her hair was long and black, yet traces of her scalp, which had been cut off of the patients head, was a little bit darker than the rest of her skin, which had been bleached to make it all the same color.

The girl was looking at him impatiently.

"I said, who are you? who am I? And where are we?"

Frank was beyond amazed. everything had gone perfectly. This was all part of his plan. He had planned for a year, and taken two more years to gather everything he needed. Still, he was amazed at... this. She was sitting there, staring at him in confusion. He couldn't find the words to speak.

Finally, he found his voice.

"You- you are my creation. I'm Frank. Frank Everwright. You- you are going to be with me."

The girl cocked her head. "You have a name?" Frank nodded. "Does everyone have a name?" Frank, still trying to figure out a response, just nodded again.

"So what's my name?" She asked curiously.

Frank felt like slapping himself.

Three years in all to plan this out, collect materials, and buy equipment, and he hadn't once thought of a name for his creation. He began mentally composing a list of names, but none fit. They were all too simple. Rachel. Jeannie. Abby. Melanie. Olivia. Mindy. Sophie. Haley. But none fit. He couldn't think of anything. Then it hit him.


It sounded perfect. like the name of some beautiful ancient goddess. It would work perfectly.

"You're Lucinda. And you're mine."

"That's interesting. Do most humans belong to other humans?" She asked.

"Not usually. But you're- Well, you're unique, I should say."

Lucinda smiled, her pink lips curling.


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