Chapter 1: Chai Tea or Tai Chea?

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So I uh... I'm not really sure how this happened. One minute I was drinking coffee and the next I was writing the first chapter of this Coffee Shop/ Cafe style merome fic. I should be working on other shit, but I couldn't resist working on this haha woops. There'll be more chapters eventually and probably a smut chapter too, because why not. (i'm probably going to edit this and then post the better version tomorrow since i wrote this all in one sitting woopsies)

Pairings (as of this chapter): implied Vengekipz, implied Skylox, and Merome.

The next chapters will be posted whenever I write them 'cuz I'm a lazy piece of shit oops

Anyways, I hope you enjoy, please leave some feedback so I know what to work on!


Drumming his fingers on the wooden counter, Mitch propped his head on his hand with a sigh. He was still stuck at his shift at the bar, since Ashley hadn’t shown up yet to replace him. Technically, it wasn’t even his job to man the bar, since he owned the cafe, but he liked greeting his customers anyways.

Business had been slow at his recently-opened coffee shop, and currently there were only two customers, both sitting by the window and chatting away as they occasionally took sips of their steaming drinks.

Arching one eyebrow as his patrons started to bicker, Mitch couldn’t resist eavesdropping as the shorter of the pair started getting irritated.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake Adam, it’s called Chai Tea!”

The taller man, apparently named Adam, removed his sunglasses just so he could roll his bright blue eyes.

“Um, Ty… no, it’s pronounced Tai Chea,”

“Is he actually serious?” Mitch whispered to himself as he stared at Adam, dumbfounded.

Ty threw his hands up in the air, obviously exasperated. “You know what? Fine, fine. It’s called Tai Chea, you little shit.”

Mitch couldn’t resist laughing at that, causing the strange duo to look up at him. Ty’s odd crimson eyes filled with mischief, and a smirk spread across his pale face.

“Hey, you own a coffee shop, so you’d know. Is it pronounced Chai Tea or Tai Chea?”

Mitch couldn’t help but grin at Ty’s triumphant tone. “Hate to break it to you, dood, but it’s pronounced Chai Tea.”

Adam crossed his arms across his broad chest with a pout, while Ty looked smug.

“See, I fucking told you! This is why you failed English class, y’know.”

“Hey! You said you’d never mention that again-”

Adam and Ty returned to their squabbling, while Mitch watched, amused.

“Mitch, dood! I finished the cake that Quentin ordered for Annie, come look at it!” Ian’s excited voice called out from the kitchen.

“Sure thing, I’ll be there in a sec!” Mitch replied back, casting a dubious glance over at the arguing couple in the window seat.

“Better not break anything,” He muttered to himself as he walked through the kitchen doors.

Ian came bouncing over, covered in flour and waving a whisk around like a sword. Whenever Ian baked, he always ended up making a huge mess, but the end results were phenomenal.

When Mitch decided to open the cafe, his first choice for a cook/baker was Ian. Ever since they were young, Ian had always loved to bake and cook, though no one was really sure why.

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